Sept. 10 marked international Thank A Golf Course Superintendent Day, and the message reached more than 14 million people around the world on social media. As part of the celebration, participants were encouraged to use the hashtag #thankasuper (or #thankagreenkeeper in countries that use that nomenclature). For 2024, the use, reach and impressions of the hashtag #thankasuper were up versus 2023. The reach of #thankasuper was up 38.5% (1.8 million people) over last year while total number of social media impressions for #thankasuper was up 28.8% (2.3 million people) over 2023.
The social media posts included everything from simple “thank yous” to elaborate videos highlighting the essential role that superintendents and their teams play in the golf’s success. Thanks were posted from golf facilities, individual golfers, golf events and tournaments, allied associations, industry partners and others.
In addition, to social media, the day was also celebrated in traditional media. A GCSAA-produced commercial was shown on Golf Channel throughout the day, while GCSAA CEO Rhett Evans and GCSAA member Spencer Roberts, CGCS at Shadow Glen Golf Club in Olathe, Kan., appeared on Golf Today to discuss the importance of the day. Golf Today also highlighted photos of GCSAA member superintendents throughout the broadcast by showing pictures of superintendents during the lead-outs to and return from commercials.
In addition to GCSAA, other groups taking part in the global event include the British and International Golf Greenkeepers Association (BIGGA), the Australian Sports Turf Managers Association (ASTMA), the Canadian Golf Superintendents Association (CGSA) and The Federation of European Golf Greenkeepers Associations (FEGGA). Altogether the groups represent more than 31,000 golf course management professionals in 78 countries around the world.