As you’re traveling the trade show floor at the 2020 Golf Industry Show next week, we hope you’ll make booth 3035 one of your stops. GCM will be hosting several events in our little corner of GIS, including the Leo Feser Award presentation, live recordings of the GCSAA Podcast (featuring architect Gil Hanse and superintendent Jeff Corcoran), “Meet the Editors” sessions — where you can connect with the folks who bring you GCM each month — and two opportunities to learn tips from our team on strengthening your writing and photography skills.
Find the full GCM booth schedule below.
In addition to the activities, you’ll also want to drop by to pick up your free GCM koozie — to help you keep things cool — and free 2020 Dog Days of Golf calendar — to help you keep things on track, with the added bonus of adorning your wall with photos of some pretty cute turf pups, if we do say so ourselves.
Also at the GCM booth this year, we want to hear about (and reward you for!) your turf “hacks” — the creative, outside-the-box ideas and strategies you’ve come up with for managing your golf course more efficiently. Pop by and write a brief summary of your innovation or fresh approach on one of the designated cards, and you’ll be entered in a drawing for one of four $25 gift certificates to the GCSAA Store (booth 2000). You may also see your turf hack featured in a future issue of GCM!
We’re looking forward to seeing and hearing from you in Orlando — your insights will help us keep bringing you valuable, high-quality coverage of the profession and the industry you love.
GCM’s 2020 Golf Industry Show booth schedule (booth 3035)
Wednesday, Jan. 29
10:30 a.m. – 11 a.m. » Leo Feser Award presentation, honoring Dave Waymire, CGCS
12:30 p.m. – 1 p.m. » Meet the Editors (Andrew Hartsock, Teresa Carson, Megan Hirt)
1 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. » GCSAA Podcast Live with architect Gil Hanse
3:30 p.m. – 4 p.m. » Meet the Editors (Scott Hollister, Howard Richman)
4 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. » 5 game-changing tips to fire up your photography, presented by Montana Pritchard and Scott Hollister
Thursday, Jan. 30
10 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. » Your writing, better than ever: 5 writing tips for superintendents, presented by Megan Hirt and Scott Hollister
11 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. » Meet the Editors (Scott Hollister, Howard Richman, Megan Hirt)
1 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. » GCSAA Podcast Live with Jeff Corcoran, superintendent at Oak Hill Country Club in Rochester, N.Y.
2 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. » Meet the Editors (Andrew Hartsock, Teresa Carson)