Under its brand Koch Turf & Ornamental, Koch Agronomic Services LLC has, for the second year, donated $20,000 to the Environmental Institute for Golf (EIFG), the philanthropic organization of GCSAA, to support GCSAA’s best management practices (BMP) program.
With this donation, Koch Turf & Ornamental remains part of the Executive Level of supporters of the BMP recognition program. The company is also at the Executive Club level of the EIFG’s Cumulative Giving Program, for donors that have contributed $25,000 to $49,000 since 1987. In addition, Koch Turf & Ornamental is a Silver Partner in GCSAA’s Partner Recognition Program.
“We are reaching more states as the BMP initiative grows, and the support from Koch Turf & Ornamental will help us achieve our vision,” says GCSAA CEO Rhett Evans. “Their gift helps advance our members’ maintenance practices of their golf courses.”
GCSAA’s BMP program provides tools and resources to assist states and individual facilities in developing BMP plans for integrated pest management, water management and the use of inputs. GCSAA’s goal is to have state BMP guides for all 50 states, and the association created the BMP Planning Guide and Template to help states take the first steps. Once a state’s guide is approved, the Facility BMP Tool assists individual golf operations in creating site-specific plans.
“We also want to recognize the efforts made by Eric Miltner, Ph.D., an agronomist for Koch Turf & Ornamental who helps superintendents complete their facility BMP manuals at GCSAA workshops across the U.S.,” Evans says. “His professional and science-based approach helps the industry achieve success.”
GCSAA’s BMP program receives additional support from the USGA and the PGA Tour.
“We are proud to support GCSAA’s BMP initiative to deliver course management solutions that promote sustainability without causing negative environmental impact,” says Marshall Bird, vice president of Koch Turf & Ornamental. “We are grateful for Dr. Miltner, whose specialization in nutrient management and the 4R approach helps support superintendents’ environmental stewardship.”
Get more information about GCSAA’s BMP program.