Dave Waymire, CGCS, (pictured) the regional vice president of agronomy for American Golf Corp. based in San Diego, has been chosen as the recipient of the 2019 Leo Feser Award from GCSAA. Now in its 42nd year, the award is presented annually to the author of the best superintendent-written article published in Golf Course Management magazine — the association’s flagship publication — during the previous year.
Waymire, a 39-year GCSAA member, wrote the article The 10 commandments of successful superintendents, which was published in the July 2018 issue of GCM. His story shared career and managerial tips to help superintendents reach the top of their professional game, with advice gleaned from Waymire’s long career working with superintendents in his role at American Golf.
“It is remarkable the amount of knowledge one absorbs after working with so many superintendents over the years,” Waymire says. “The 10 commandments article was created by polling a variety of great superintendents and putting their ideas down on paper. I was just the director. The superintendents named in the article and Megan Hirt (editor of GCMOnline.com) really deserve the credit and this award.
“Winning the Leo Feser Award is simply amazing. For years I have read articles and noted the Leo Feser mention at the end of each article. I was surprised GSCAA even wanted to print the article, so being awarded the Leo Feser is completely unexpected, and I am extremely thankful.”
“Superintendents learning from other superintendents and helping each other achieve career success has been a staple of our association since the very beginning,” says GCSAA President Rafael Barajas, CGCS. “David Waymire’s story tapped into that ethos in a way that clearly resonated with GCM readers and is certainly worthy of recognition as our 2019 Leo Feser Award winner.”
Earlier this year, Waymire’s article also placed first in the business management writing category of the annual Turf & Ornamental Communicators Association awards.

As part of winning the Leo Feser Award, Waymire will receive an all-expenses-paid trip to the 2020 Golf Industry Show in Orlando, Fla., where he will be recognized during a presentation at the GCM trade show booth (No. 3035) at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 29. He will also have his name engraved on a plaque permanently displayed at GCSAA headquarters in Lawrence, Kan.
The Leo Feser Award honors the late Leo Feser, a pioneering golf course superintendent and a charter member of GCSAA. Feser is credited with keeping the association’s official publication alive during the Great Depression. For three years, 1933-36, he wrote, edited, assembled and published each issue of The Greenkeepers’ Report — as the association’s magazine was known then — from his home in Wayzata, Minn. The award was first presented in 1956 and has been given annually since 1977. Members of GCSAA’s GCM Editorial Board Task Group select the winner of the award each year.
View the complete list of past Leo Feser Award winners.