January 12, 2024
GCM staff

Editor’s note: The GCM team will be doing our best to maintain an up-to-date feed of announcements on this page. If you have news you think belongs here, please email Scott Hollister.
Wednesday, January 24
- FMC Corporation will engage GCSAA golf course superintendents and help them increase donations for their local chapters through the “Give Back to Local Chapters” program during the GCSAA Conference and Trade Show in Phoenix,
Ariz., Jan. 29-Feb. 1. To kick-off the 2024 program, FMC will have multiple give back opportunities and host a number of promotions at its booth (#4012) tied directly to supporting local chapters.
- The USGA's Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management funded 15 new research projects to advance turfgrass science in 2024, taking the program’s total investment in golf course sustainability over $50 million since 1983. Aligning with the USGA’s commitment to reduce golf’s use of water, more than 50 percent of active Davis Grants focus on projects driving efficiency, effective measurement, innovation and conservation of water on golf courses. They include multi-year studies on optimizing irrigation techniques, improving drought resistance for common fairway, rough and green turfgrasses, and advancing methods of renovating out-of-play areas to conservation habitat, among others.
Tuesday, January 9
- Albaugh Specialty Products, the turf and ornamental division of Albaugh, LLC, announced today that Trevor Radford has joined the company as Territory Manager, representing the Western U.S. Radford brings more than 25 years of experience
in agronomy, turf, and ornamental sales, including distributor sales, national accounts management, and ownership and management of a lawn care and pest control business, giving him a diverse background that will allow Albaugh Specialty Products
to assist distributors, superintendents, and lawn care operators across the Western region.
Monday, January 8

- The Carolinas Golf Association proudly announces the appointment of distinguished experts, Professors Fred Yelverton from North Carolina State University and Bert McCarty from Clemson University, as the pioneering duo set to serve
as CGA's new agronomists. Together, they bring a wealth of experience totaling over 60 years in the turfgrass industry, impacting numerous students and fostering advancements in turfgrass management across the Carolinas and globally. Read more
on CGA's website.
Friday, January 5
- Applications are now open for the Walter J. Travis Memorial Scholarships. This scholarship has been given annually since 2009 to honor the remarkable accomplishments and contributions of Walter J. Travis in the game of golf. The application
deadline is May 15. Learn more about the scholarship and Walter J. Travis.