Andi Meadows is the assistant superintendent at TPC San Antonio in San Antonio, Texas. Photo courtesy of Andi Meadows
Editor’s note: In honor of Women’s Golf Day 2024 — which will be celebrated for an entire week, May 28-June 4 — GCM has partnered with John Deere on a series of stories that highlight three women working and thriving in golf course
management. These stories, told in the women’s own words, highlight career journeys, discuss challenges and lessons learned, offer advice to fellow women in turf, and suggest ways the industry can foster more-inclusive work environments. Stories
will be posted daily through May 30.

Andi Meadows is the assistant superintendent at TPC San Antonio and four-year GCSAA member. Here, Meadows shares her thoughts on her career trajectory and suggestions for ways the turf industry can continue supporting women.
A career in golf course management always seemed like a good idea from the time I started in 2006, but I didn't think it would ever be possible. I stayed a laborer for many years, mastering my skills and learning new ones until I could get some education
under my belt. I took a career in turf management seriously when I started college in 2018 and got a job at UT Austin with the intent of having a career right before I graduated.
When I first started as an assistant-in-training, we would have weekly agronomic meetings, and I felt able to speak my mind on topics that were brought up. It helped me to open up and give my feedback when they specifically asked me for my thoughts on
the subject matter. If you love what you do and do it to the best of your abilities, the right people will notice. It’s also important to treat everyone with kindness and respect. You never know who your next boss will be!
I love that the turf industry is niche: You can meet someone and immediately understand them to an extent and instantly have a connection that allows the conversation to flow as you get to know them better. On the day to day, I love learning from nature,
tuning into it and observing everything about it. Every day I bring curiosity with me, and every day I learn something new. I also love teaching people and watching them grow. Some crew members start out not knowing how to start or drive equipment,
and they get to learn useful skills that they can take with them anywhere they go.
Although I believe we are on the right path, I feel women still face many challenges. If a woman has a family, for example, balancing children and responsibilities at home can be a deal breaker for some jobs in the industry that require long hours and
working most holidays. I chose to stay home with my children before they entered school and attended college during that time.
Even something as simple as having a decent women’s bathroom or a place where they can safely use the restroom is a good start to helping women in the turf industry. One thing I’m grateful for at TPC San Antonio is that they always try to
get women’s uniforms for me. This makes me feel like I can be myself and still be part of the team. I recommend that women in the industry meet as many other women as they can and lean on them as often as possible for support.