Legislative topics in golf: A state-by-state rundown May 7, 2024 A quick guide on the status of bills affecting the golf industry
Is foliar-applied phosphite an effective biostimulant? February 2024 Foliar-applied phosphite promotes plant health in cool-season turf, but how does it affect growth?
CommonGround hosts pesticide regulators November 2023 Mitch Savage, CGCS, welcomed a group of EPA regulators to discuss his team's approach to pest control.
Considering biological pest control July 2023 Why biologicals and byproducts for pest management might be worth your attention
Investigating pest management on U.S. golf courses March 2023 In 2021, superintendents at 71% of U.S. golf facilities reported having either an integrated pest management plan or a pesticide application plan — up from 66% in 2015 but equivalent to 2007.
Inside pesticide inspections February 2023 Maintaining safe pesticide use and storage can reduce the stress of inspections by state pesticide regulators.
Should you become a certified pesticide applicator? October 2022 There are plenty of benefits to golf course personnel earning a commercial applicator certification.
Can fescue and bentgrass seed mixtures help pesticide management? July 2022 Scandinavian researchers experimented with various mowing heights and nitrogen levels while measuring occurrence of Microdochium patch.
Effect of annual bluegrass weevil larval stage on insecticide efficacy March 2022 Researchers tested whether four ABW larvicides could be applied later than recommended, potentially allowing for fewer, better-timed applications.
Analyzing pesticide environmental risk on golf courses September 2021 Using a sample of 22 golf courses, researchers quantified pesticide risk levels on various course components and explored the most effective strategies for reducing them.
Rhodesgrass mealybug in turf April 2021 The invasive insect is an emerging pest of both cool- and warm-season greens. Entomologists detail its life cycle, cultural and biological controls, and findings from recent insecticide experiments.
The annual bluegrass seedbank vs. perennial ryegrass establishment August 2020 In sites infested with annual bluegrass, researchers tested the effectiveness of various herbicide programs in suppressing the persistent grass while maximizing establishment of perennial ryegrass.
Influence of carrier water pH on fungicide efficacy July 2020 Fungicides are most often mixed with water before application — can the quality of that water affect a product’s performance?
Understanding turf fungicide resistance and FRAC codes June 18, 2020 Brian Aynardi, Ph.D., offers a primer on how resistance develops, which turf pathogens are resistant to which fungicides, and steps superintendents can take to rein in resistance.
Segway fungicide: Effects of irrigation on distribution May 2020 On a creeping bentgrass green, both the amount and timing of irrigation following cyazofamid application affected delivery of the fungicide to the target site.
Pesticide phytoremediation by native plants May 2020 Researchers evaluated three commonly used plant species’ capacity to minimize off-target movement of a fungicide, herbicide and insecticide.
Stevens Point Country Club reborn after Imprelis damage May 2020 The Wisconsin club turned the loss of about 2,500 trees into an opportunity to reimagine its 18-hole golf course, emerging with improved routing, new features and modern infrastructure.
PoaCure: Has annual bluegrass finally met its match? April 2020 A turf scientist provides an in-depth look at the herbicide PoaCure, including registration info, research findings, key considerations for successful use, and more.
Soil surfactants and fungicide movement in turf November 2019 Fungicides need some assistance reaching the root zone if they are to effectively combat crown and root diseases. How well do various soil surfactants help?
Sequential-application herbicides for bermudagrass control October 2019 Is a series of herbicide applications necessary for optimal control of bermudagrass? Researchers surveyed different combinations and sequences.