Effects of golf cart traffic and drought on turfgrass May 2021 Suboptimal growing conditions can make managing cart traffic even more challenging. Here, a look at different turf speciesā€™ responses to combined drought and cart stress at different mowing heights.
Turfgrass responses to prolonged heat stress May 2021 Research on 34 cultivars and accessions from 14 cool- and warm-season grasses offers greater guidance on selecting surfaces to withstand extended periods of heat.
Buffalograss: Effects of nitrogen rate on traffic tolerance July 2019 With proper maintenance, buffalograss can provide high-quality roughs and other low-input areas on golf courses.
Low-maintenance grasses to replace turfgrass April 2019 From buffalograss to sheep fescue, researchers evaluated 27 ultra-low-input plant species for their ability to stand in for turfgrass in roughs, potentially reducing water use and other inputs.