Cutting Edge: Putting green recovery, dollar spot March 2024 Studies examined effects of fall mowing height on bluegrass spring recovery and hollow-tine cultivation's effects on dollar spot.
Can hybrid bentgrass provide dollar spot resistance, drought tolerance? November 2023 Researchers studied DNA variation's effects on cultivated colonial bentgrass and creeping bentgrass.
Verdure: Dollar spot and nitrogen, Part 2 May 2022 Researchers examined the effects of three nitrogen sources on dollar spot severity.
Verdure: Dollar spot and nitrogen, Part 1 April 2022 A university and a golf course teamed up to determine whether increasing N fertilization reduces dollar spot severity on greens.
Verdure: What to dew about dollar spot August 2021 A Penn State study looked at the influence of dew removal and mowing frequency on dollar spot control, testing the practices alone and in combination with fungicide use.
Dollar spot: Evaluating biological and oil-based fungicides March 2021 Researchers discuss findings from their tests of eight commercially available alternative controls for dollar spot in turfgrass.
Influence of carrier water pH on fungicide efficacy July 2020 Fungicides are most often mixed with water before application — can the quality of that water affect a product’s performance?
Understanding turf fungicide resistance and FRAC codes June 18, 2020 Brian Aynardi, Ph.D., offers a primer on how resistance develops, which turf pathogens are resistant to which fungicides, and steps superintendents can take to rein in resistance.
Verdure: Pseudo dollar spot control? June 2020 Purdue University researchers designed field experiments to test the impact of the biological control agent Tx-1 on dollar spot and brown patch activity in fairways.
Effects of organic amendments on dollar spot May 2019 A two-year trial evaluated the effects of composts and biochar on dollar spot development in a creeping bentgrass fairway.
Dollar spot control using iron sulfate and urea May 2019 Researchers discuss findings from the first year of a two-year study on the effects of iron sulfate and urea on dollar spot development.
Dollar spot resistance to SDHI fungicides March 2019 Recent reports of resistance to next-generation SDHI fungicides have prompted a closer look at dollar spot mutations and management strategies.
Dollar spot fungicide resistance November 15, 2018 New research from Penn State looks at the extent of fungicide resistance among dollar spot populations in Pennsylvania and the surrounding region.
Dollar spot fungi in golf course thatch October 23, 2018 A recent study shifted the focus from soil to the thatch layer in measuring the presence of disease-causing fungus Sclerotinia homoeocarpa.
Verdure: Out, damned (dollar) spot! October 2018 Recent social media chatter prompted a fresh look at a study that put various nitrogen sources’ ability to reduce dollar spot to the test.
Nitrogen fertilization affects dollar spot severity in bentgrass September 2018 A three-year field trial evaluated whether nitrogen alone could deliver effective suppression of the costly turfgrass disease.
Identifying and naming the fungi that cause dollar spot on turf July 2018 New technology has allowed scientists to reassign the organisms that cause dollar spot on turf to a new genus and four different species.
New dollar spot prediction model June 2018 The weather-based model can help turf managers make more accurate dollar spot fungicide applications based on environmental conditions.
Effect of oriental mustard seed meal for dollar spot control December 2017 Seed meal from oriental mustard shows promise as a non-chemical means of dollar spot control, potentially reducing reliance on conventional fungicides.