Measuring nitrogen mineralization in soil with carbon tests April 2024 Is rapid soil mineralization carbon testing a valuable tool to guide fertilization on putting greens?
How much nitrogen fertilization does seeded bermudagrass require? December 2023 Field study determines optimal grow-in program for a seeded bermudagrass cultivar on a native soil using two nitrogen sources and variable application rates and frequencies.
Verdure: Dollar spot and nitrogen, Part 2 May 2022 Researchers examined the effects of three nitrogen sources on dollar spot severity.
Verdure: Dollar spot and nitrogen, Part 1 April 2022 A university and a golf course teamed up to determine whether increasing N fertilization reduces dollar spot severity on greens.
Verdure: N, 15 ... Bingo! March 2022 Clemson University researchers investigated whether applying a soil surfactant increased bermudagrass N uptake and use efficiency.
Humic fertilizer effects on soil, turf health November 2021 Using a sand-based putting green, researchers evaluated humic substances’ ability to enhance soil microbial activity and maintain turf quality with reduced nitrogen.
Nitrogen fertilizer costs and turfgrass response August 2021 Are some pricier nitrogen sources a better value in the long run? Researchers looked into the claim, measuring turf’s responses to 10 N sources and the cost to achieve such responses.
To the Nth degree: Nitrogen mineralization in turfgrass July 2021 Five research projects illuminate the N mineralization process in turf and what it means for your turf’s fertilization needs.
Verdure: Nitrogen, a plant growth regulator and shade ... oh my! February 2021 Do different shade levels influence N plus trinexapac-ethyl’s effects on turf?
Fall N fertilization and winter survival of bermudagrass October 2020 Researchers evaluated 11 nitrogen sources’ effects on fall color and spring green-up in the northern transition zone.
Verdure: Nitrogen won’t always fix it September 2020 Can the adverse effects of soil compaction be overcome by applying high levels of nitrogen?
Verdure: Primo your way to reduced nitrogen fertilizer April 2020 Can applications of trinexapac-ethyl — the active ingredient in Primo Maxx — decrease putting greens’ nitrogen requirements without compromising turf quality?
Verdure: So, how late is too late? November 2019 A review of the literature on fall-applied nitrogen presents helpful insights on this common practice for cool-season turf managers, from suitable rate to environmental fate.
Fertilization, irrigation strategies reduce emissions, conserve water December 2018 Use of controlled-release fertilizers and improved irrigation techniques may produce better visual turf quality while reducing nitrous oxide emissions.
Nitrogen fertilization affects dollar spot severity in bentgrass September 2018 A three-year field trial evaluated whether nitrogen alone could deliver effective suppression of the costly turfgrass disease.
Verdure: How much nitrogen does that zoysiagrass need? June 2018 Zoysiagrass’s slow establishment prompted researchers to investigate the effects of nitrogen rate and soil topdressing on its establishment from sprigs.