Cool-season grasses activate drought stress defenses earlier than thought December 2024 Researchers examined damage and stress-protection mechanisms that grasses use to protect photosynthesis during drought stress responses.
Cutting Edge: Dye effect on ryegrass, winterkill research project October 2024 Winter weather effects on turfgrass are behind current analysis and a research project seeking superintendent input.
Interseeding greens at Hyannisport Club October 10, 2024 At Hyannisport Club on Cape Cod, Thomas Colombo, CGCS, keeps the greens living up to their historic legacy.
Brown patch severity among turfgrass species, cultivars and nitrogen rates September 2024 Research focused on creeping bentgrass, colonial bentgrass, perennial ryegrass and turf-type tall fescue.
Timing fraise mowing for establishing perennial ryegrass March 2024 Researchers compared the impact of cultivation techniques including fraise mowing, verticutting and scalping.
Cutting Edge: Perennial ryegrass, precision turfgrass management survey August 2023 A study examines freezing damage in ryegrass, and a research center seeks survey participants
The effects of plant biostimulants on cool-season turfgrass seedlings December 2022 Humic substances and complex organic materials are shown to have a positive effect on turfgrass performance.
Effects of golf cart traffic and drought on turfgrass May 2021 Suboptimal growing conditions can make managing cart traffic even more challenging. Here, a look at different turf species’ responses to combined drought and cart stress at different mowing heights.
Turfgrass responses to prolonged heat stress May 2021 Research on 34 cultivars and accessions from 14 cool- and warm-season grasses offers greater guidance on selecting surfaces to withstand extended periods of heat.
Verdure: Nitrogen won’t always fix it September 2020 Can the adverse effects of soil compaction be overcome by applying high levels of nitrogen?
The annual bluegrass seedbank vs. perennial ryegrass establishment August 2020 In sites infested with annual bluegrass, researchers tested the effectiveness of various herbicide programs in suppressing the persistent grass while maximizing establishment of perennial ryegrass.
GCM’s 2020 Seed Update May 2020 Find profiles of 17 new turfgrass varieties, a look at how coronavirus has impacted the seed industry, and a special essay from turf scientist Eric Watkins, Ph.D., spotlighting the people and processes behind turf seed production.
Making a pitch: The turfgrass at the 2018 World Cup September 2018 Much of the turfgrass on display — and writhed on by soccer players — at the 2018 World Cup was the product of seed bred and produced in the United States.
Through the Green: The grass at the Masters April 2018 The famous wall-to-wall green color on display at Augusta National wouldn’t be possible without improved perennial ryegrass cultivars, the first of which was released in 1967.