Cutting Edge: Glufosinate resistance in bahiagrass, goosegrass ecotypes September 2024 Featured research focuses on herbicide resistance and plant growth regulators.
Suppressing Innovation zoysiagrass seedheads with ethephon July 2024 Researchers found that applying ethephon in September suppressed at least 60% of Innovation zoysiagrass seedheads.
Controlling Poa annua with annual bluegrass weevil and PGRs April 2022 Can ABW, alone and in combination with PGR programs, be a viable tool to reduce annual bluegrass cover in creeping bentgrass fairways?
Verdure: Nitrogen, a plant growth regulator and shade ... oh my! February 2021 Do different shade levels influence N plus trinexapac-ethyl’s effects on turf?
Managing seedheads in zoysiagrass greens October 2020 Researchers sized up various PGR treatments’ effectiveness in controlling seedhead production without reducing turf quality.
Verdure: Primo your way to reduced nitrogen fertilizer April 2020 Can applications of trinexapac-ethyl — the active ingredient in Primo Maxx — decrease putting greens’ nitrogen requirements without compromising turf quality?
PGR effects on turf under heat and salt stress April 2020 Researchers tested whether plant growth regulators could improve the health of creeping bentgrass under heat stress, salt stress and the two conditions combined.
Zoysiagrass seedhead development and suppression March 2020 Go inside in-progress research aimed at creating a model to guide timing of PGR applications for better zoysiagrass seedhead suppression.
Reducing bermudagrass irrigation with a PGR and soil surfactants June 2019 Can applying a combination of trinexapac-ethyl and a soil surfactant produce better turf quality under drought conditions than applying the products individually?
Using PGRs in golf course roughs January 2018 Using PGRs to reduce rough height and mowing costs can save time and money for the golf course maintenance team.