Verdure: Bermudagrass triangle April 2024 How do you selectively remove one warm-season grass species from another?
Verdure: Let the sunshine in November 2020 A test of 12 warm-season turfgrassesā€™ responses to different shade levels illuminates the often cloudy matter of quantifying shade tolerance.
Seashore paspalum drought tolerance July 2020 Fifteen genotypes of seashore paspalum showed a range of responses to drought stress in a recent study.
Renovating paradise: Waiehu Golf Course September 2019 A Maui muni rose to the challenge of an in-house renovation, which included installing a new, salt-tolerant grass on greens.
Drought performance of bermudagrass and seashore paspalum June 2019 Researchers compared a collection of bermudagrass and seashore paspalum cultivars for drought tolerance and explored the plant mechanisms responsible for drought survival.
Verdure: That traffic will wear you down August 2018 University of Georgia researchers tested silicon’s effects on turfgrass wear tolerance and quality.