Suppressing Innovation zoysiagrass seedheads with ethephon July 2024 Researchers found that applying ethephon in September suppressed at least 60% of Innovation zoysiagrass seedheads.
Cutting Edge: Sod shelf life and irrigation needs assessment April 2024 Researchers examined transplant success of bermudagrass and zoysiagrass sod and a needs-based socioeconomic survey of water-saving irrigation programs
Water requirements of warm-season grasses November 2023 Important differences exist among warm-season grasses depending on species, cultivar and location.
Shade doesn’t dim appeal of zoysiagrass on greens March 2023 Superintendents looking for a shade-friendly, heat-tolerant grass may have luck replacing bentgrass greens with zoysiagrass strains.
Zoysiagrass hybrid development for the transition zone February 2023 A multidisciplinary, systematic breeding effort among several universities has effectively developed multiple zoysiagrass hybrids with improved turf color, winter hardiness, freeze tolerance, large patch tolerance and finer leaf texture than Meyer zoysiagrass.
How does nitrogen rate affect zoysiagrass putting greens? November 2022 Four cultivars are evaluated for golf course putting green performance 
and quality characteristics.
Sod’s tricky transition October 2022 The physical and chemical differences in the sod-based soil vs. the root zone on which that sod is laid can cause issues.
What's the big idea?: Taming trees to improve turf acclimation August 2022 Learn how effective tree care and pruning can help preserve your warm season grasses.
Verdure: Zoysiagrass: How did it get here? July 2022 The journey of zoysiagrass from Asia to North America is a story of exploration and discovery, intrigue and an unsolved death…
Turfgrass drought survival and recovery August 2021 Just how little water is enough to pull turf through drought? Researchers investigated the minimum irrigation requirements of three turfgrass species.
Effects of golf cart traffic and drought on turfgrass May 2021 Suboptimal growing conditions can make managing cart traffic even more challenging. Here, a look at different turf species’ responses to combined drought and cart stress at different mowing heights.
Heavy metal effects on golf course greens April 2021 Certain products and soil conditions can expose turf to elevated levels of copper and zinc. Researchers examined the impacts of the heavy metals on two warm-season turfgrasses.
Effects of shade on warm-season turf water-use rates December 2020 Researchers gauged how moderate shade influenced the evapotranspiration rates of four bermudagrasses and two zoysiagrasses.
Verdure: Let the sunshine in November 2020 A test of 12 warm-season turfgrasses’ responses to different shade levels illuminates the often cloudy matter of quantifying shade tolerance.
Managing seedheads in zoysiagrass greens October 2020 Researchers sized up various PGR treatments’ effectiveness in controlling seedhead production without reducing turf quality.
Zoysiagrass seedhead development and suppression March 2020 Go inside in-progress research aimed at creating a model to guide timing of PGR applications for better zoysiagrass seedhead suppression.
Turf transitions in the transition zone December 2019 A new crop of warm-season turfgrass varieties is making the move north, increasing options for golf course superintendents in the traditionally tricky transition zone.
New cold-hardy zoysiagrass varieties August 15, 2019 A joint Texas A&M-USDA project is trialing two recently released zoysiagrass varieties that, in addition to being lower-input, have been bred to withstand lower temperatures.
Identifying turf drought tolerance with a hydroponic system August 2019 Researchers looked at whether applying water stress to turf in a hydroponic system — instead of in field evaluations — could better screen for drought tolerance characteristics.
Maintaining Southeast Asia’s first proper links June 19, 2019 A brand-new Vietnam golf course is betting on Zeon zoysiagrass — and a skilled superintendent — to deliver firm and fast conditions in the tropical environment.