Nitrogen fertilizer costs and turfgrass response August 2021 Are some pricier nitrogen sources a better value in the long run? Researchers looked into the claim, measuring turf’s responses to 10 N sources and the cost to achieve such responses.
The art of managing turf density August 2021 Turf scientist Jack Fry, Ph.D., talks thatch, disease, overseeding and other factors that need special consideration as the (turf) plot thickens.
GCSAA announces winners of 2021 Environmental Leaders in Golf Awards August 24, 2021 Meet four superintendents whose facilities are at the forefront of environmentally responsible, community-enriching golf course management.
Heat illness in golf course maintenance August 23, 2021 Protect your crew members from the dangers of extreme heat. Learn about the four types of heat illness and how to prevent, recognize and treat them in your golf course operation.
Photo Quiz: Brown patches in bahiagrass, indented lines on green August 2021 What stories do these curious turf conditions tell? Have a go at guessing the causes in this month’s Photo Quiz.
Shifting sands: Returning a golf property to its sand dune roots August 2021 Go inside the still-unfolding transformation of Oklahoma’s Boiling Springs Golf Club, a case study in adapting an existing golf course to the game’s changing landscape.
Turfgrass nutrition recommendations: SLAN vs. MLSN August 2021 Michigan State researchers compared greens fertilized according to the different philosophies to see whether one resulted in better turf quality.
GCSAA elevates, enhances Col. John Morley Award for superintendents August 17, 2021 In addition to the revamped award — now exclusively for golf course superintendents — GCSAA has announced new awards for young leaders, outstanding industry contributions.
Verdure: What to dew about dollar spot August 2021 A Penn State study looked at the influence of dew removal and mowing frequency on dollar spot control, testing the practices alone and in combination with fungicide use.
Keeping the green at Mongolia’s only golf course August 2021 Mount Bogd Golf & Country Club superintendent Ariunbold Damba discusses growing turf and gaining a foothold for golf in a region with extreme winters and rugged terrain.
Save the date: 2021 GCSAA Golf Championships rescheduled August 12, 2021 This year’s competitions will be held in the fall at three top venues in Palm Springs, Calif.
Turfgrass drought survival and recovery August 2021 Just how little water is enough to pull turf through drought? Researchers investigated the minimum irrigation requirements of three turfgrass species.
Straight into Compton: SoCal supers revive neglected course August 5, 2021 With its proximity to two schools, the Compton Par 3 Golf Course in Los Angeles was perfectly poised to be grounds for growing the game — it just needed some TLC.
PGA Tour donates to three GCSAA programs August 3, 2021 The organization has pledged $300,000 to support initiatives to grow the game and strengthen the industry.
What I learned from being fired August 2021 A golf course superintendent reflects on recent job loss and shares wisdom on processing such change and turning professional setbacks into personal advancement.
Poa annua ‘remembers’ being mowed July 2021 Poa annua plants pass along an awareness of mowing stress to offspring. Learn more about the discovery, the research that inadvertently brought it to light, and what it means for Poa breeding.
Sod shuffle: Cutting renovation costs at Kenwood Country Club July 29, 2021 To complete a sweeping course overhaul under budget, an Ohio superintendent and his crew regrassed with salvaged sod and employed additional cost-saving strategies.
Fine fescues vs. foliar shade July 2021 Not all shade is created equal. Researchers examined various fine fescues’ responses to foliar shade alone, which can have a different impact on plant growth and development.
Improving turfgrass survival of ice encasement July 2021 Could priming turf with certain chemicals give it a leg up on winter stress? Researchers investigated the impacts of various treatments on annual bluegrass recovery from prolonged ice cover.
Golf course tree care: Do this, not that July 2021 Separate the beneficial from the detrimental with this rundown of tree maintenance do’s and don’ts, plus find guidance on gray areas, such as tree cabling, fertilization and irrigation.