Double visions: Venues prep for back-to-back tournaments June 25, 2020 In July, two golf facilities 1,300 miles apart will each take on the tall task of hosting two professional tournaments in two weeks. GCM chats with the superintendents about pulling off the doubleheaders.
Hot diggity: Goose dog makes a splash at new golf course home June 23, 2020 Meet border collie Rusty — of GIS goose dog giveaway fame — who has dived into his duties (and the ponds!) at a New Jersey club. Plus: An expert’s top tips for golf course dog safety and success.
Understanding turf fungicide resistance and FRAC codes June 18, 2020 Brian Aynardi, Ph.D., offers a primer on how resistance develops, which turf pathogens are resistant to which fungicides, and steps superintendents can take to rein in resistance.
Turf hack: Barley straw for algae suppression June 2020 A simple setup in the ponds at Fairview Country Club in Greenwich, Conn., controls algae growth without chemicals.
Verdure: Pseudo dollar spot control? June 2020 Purdue University researchers designed field experiments to test the impact of the biological control agent Tx-1 on dollar spot and brown patch activity in fairways.
Photo Quiz: Yellow turf, strange snow melt June 2020 Can you decipher what’s behind these two turf conundrums? Test your savvy in this month’s Photo Quiz.
Coronavirus: 10 lessons for the golf course management industry June 2020 Reflecting on how superintendents responded in the early days of the pandemic reveals valuable guidance on preparing for and weathering future challenges.
Golf courses without maintenance June 2020 How long could a golf course survive if maintenance were to suddenly halt? Superintendents and architects share insights on reviving and repurposing neglected golfscapes.
Pro golf and greenkeeping in the time of coronavirus June 2020 With the PGA Tour’s Charles Schwab Challenge, Colonial Country Club in Texas and those who maintain it are at the forefront of a trial run of the return of pro golf. Plus, GCM checks in with supers whose courses’ events have been canceled.
Cups of noodles: Superintendent ahead of unexpected trend May 28, 2020 Before coronavirus made no-touch accessories a must-have, a creative California superintendent had already hit upon a practical on-course use for the humble pool noodle.
Coronavirus and golf: A bundle of joy in the midst of a pandemic May 19, 2020 For Kansas superintendent Clay Payne, a new addition to his family arrived at the same time as the new reality of the coronavirus.
Seminole Golf Club ready for its (unexpected) close-up May 16, 2020 The maintenance team at the prestigious South Florida venue has had just three weeks to prep for tomorrow’s TaylorMade Driving Relief charity event.
Turf scientist on the mend from coronavirus May 14, 2020 Ohio State’s Karl Danneberger, Ph.D., tells of his road to recovery, the health care workers who saved his life, and the outpouring of turf industry support.
Superintendent fulfills course ownership dream May 8, 2020 Scott and Missy Howard purchased their own golf course in January — years earlier than they’d expected, and just before the coronavirus crisis. They’re determined to stay the course.
Back2Golf: Operational guidelines now available May 7, 2020 GCSAA has partnered with allied golf organizations to publish the three-phase plan for the responsible return of golf during the coronavirus pandemic.
In memoriam: Ken Melrose May 5, 2020 The former CEO of The Toro Co. and a generous supporter of golf course superintendents and equipment managers passed away May 3.
Prepare your golf course water features for summer May 1, 2020 Check out five easy maintenance tips, plus discover the best fountains for your golf course.
Segway fungicide: Effects of irrigation on distribution May 2020 On a creeping bentgrass green, both the amount and timing of irrigation following cyazofamid application affected delivery of the fungicide to the target site.
Pesticide phytoremediation by native plants May 2020 Researchers evaluated three commonly used plant species’ capacity to minimize off-target movement of a fungicide, herbicide and insecticide.
Verdure: For your age, you look fabulous May 2020 In a series of studies over four years, researchers examined how N and K fertilization should be adjusted on aging ultradwarf bermudagrass greens.