An ‘Aussome’ assignment at Shinnecock Hills June 12, 2018 Hayden Westwood came a long way to experience golf course maintenance in the U.S., and he’s in just the right place for it this week.
Switching gears to volunteer at the U.S. Open June 11, 2018 Caddie Matt O’Brien has temporarily traded golf bag for bunker rake.
Ready, set, go at Shinnecock Hills June 11, 2018 Jon Jennings, CGCS, and a troop of staff and volunteers are off and running strong as U.S. Open week kicks off at Shinnecock Hills Golf Club.
Understanding the seasonal worker shortage June 7, 2018 Golf industry representatives offer updates and perspective on the U.S. labor market and the H-2B visa program.
Andrew Kerr, Anthony Girardi earn Master Greenkeeper certificate June 7, 2018 The pair of turf professionals recently became the 73rd and 74th recipients of the Master Greenkeeper designation.
Eight chapters receive outreach grants from GCSAA June 5, 2018 More than $20,000 will go toward local communications efforts, including media promotions and golf economic impact studies.
Through the Green: Latitudes and putting green surfaces June 2018 With turfgrass breeders providing an ever-expanding lineup of suitable options for every corner of the country, the best choice for grass may be personal.
New dollar spot prediction model June 2018 The weather-based model can help turf managers make more accurate dollar spot fungicide applications based on environmental conditions.
Pesticides, turfgrass guttation and pollinators June 2018 In-progress research is looking at whether honey bees are exposed to guttation fluid from turfgrass that has had fungicides or PGRs applied to it.
Verdure: How much nitrogen does that zoysiagrass need? June 2018 Zoysiagrass’s slow establishment prompted researchers to investigate the effects of nitrogen rate and soil topdressing on its establishment from sprigs.
Update on off-type grasses in ultradwarf bermudagrass putting greens June 2018 Researchers have taken a close look at the off-type grasses’ differences in morphology and performance to help determine how to mitigate their presence.
2018 revisions to the USGA method for putting green construction June 2018 The USGA’s revised recommendations for putting green construction allow practitioners to work with locally available materials and make other adjustments to conform to an area’s environment.
Maine men: The tale of Fox Ridge Golf Club June 2018 For Fox Ridge Golf Club superintendent Ed Michaud and builders Lennie Myshrall and Paul Lessard, the dream of constructing a memorable golf course lives on after 17 years.
Women of influence at Shinnecock Hills June 2018 In getting Shinnecock Hills Golf Club ready for the 2018 U.S. Open, these 10 women are major players.
History major: Jon Jennings and the U.S. Open at Shinnecock Hills June 2018 When the U.S. Open returns this month to Shinnecock Hills Golf Club, it will be the first major championship guided by Jon Jennings, CGCS, whose lineage indicates he may have been made for this magic moment.
Shop: Corrosion control June 2018 Corrosion never quits, but damage can be curbed with easy additional maintenance during routine servicing and by using the right stuff when replacing parts.
Going native in the rough at Ben Geren Golf Course June 2018 The strategic conversion of roughs to native grasses and wildflowers has been a boon to the unique prairie ecosystem and Arkansas’ native seed supply.
Customer service lessons from my golf pro June 2018 Good customer service is good business, as a New Jersey superintendent learned from his longtime co-worker.
Course of Action: Purple Sage Municipal Golf Course June 2018 Though his staff is relatively small, superintendent Jeff Murdock is all set to host the Wyoming State Amateur Championship this month.
Green Start Academy 2018: Apply now May 22, 2018 The educational and networking event for assistant superintendents will welcome 50 members to its 2018 class this fall.