Turf hack: Solar-powered irrigation satellite October 1, 2020 Solar installations needn’t be mammoth, megawatt structures, as a Florida superintendent demonstrates with his electrical fix for an outlying irrigation controller.
Fall N fertilization and winter survival of bermudagrass October 2020 Researchers evaluated 11 nitrogen sources’ effects on fall color and spring green-up in the northern transition zone.
Verdure: Dive into that microbial pool October 2020 A 15-year study reveals valuable insights on the long-term effects of N rate and source on several measures of turf soil health.
Managing seedheads in zoysiagrass greens October 2020 Researchers sized up various PGR treatments’ effectiveness in controlling seedhead production without reducing turf quality.
Fraise mowing for annual bluegrass control October 2020 The cultivation practice shows promise as a non-herbicidal means of annual bluegrass control. Researchers assessed its impacts and feasibility for golf turf managers.
On cloud 9: An uptick in nine-hole rounds October 2020 Nine-hole courses in particular have seen a boost from golf’s increased popularity during the coronavirus pandemic. Here’s a look at the numbers.
Photo Quiz: Surprising visitor on turf, off-color line October 2020 It’s a Photo Quiz creature feature for Halloween, plus a turf sight sure to startle any superintendent. Can you figure out their origins?
Career: Take ownership of your attitude October 2020 Job satisfaction is often more a choice than a result. A superintendent shares lessons in cultivating contentment at work.
What the Tech? Applying drone technology on your golf course October 2020 Select the best high-flying tech for your on-course objectives with this rundown of key considerations and drone products on the market.
Tee box maintenance tips October 2020 Tackle common stresses — shade, reduced airflow, wear and tear — and balance appearance with ease of upkeep to get maintenance dialed in to a T(ee).
Frank Dobie looks back on storied career October 2020 As he prepares to retire after 56 years at The Sharon Golf Club, the 62-year GCSAA member and those in his circle reflect on a career marked by innovation, service and staying power.
GCSAA wins 18 awards in national communications contest September 29, 2020 The awards recognize writing and multimedia work from GCM magazine and other GCSAA communications channels. Check out the winning articles and projects.
GCSAA to sponsor inaugural African American Golf Expo September 22, 2020 The association’s First Green program will be part of the education lineup for the event, which will champion participation in the game and career and economic opportunities.
Turf hack: DIY fertilizer mixing setup September 17, 2020 With a common home appliance and a dash of innovation, a superintendent has devised a more efficient way to mix soluble fertilizers for fairways.
2021 Golf Industry Show: GCSAA announces group pricing discounts September 16, 2020 For one price, every member of a golf facility’s maintenance staff gets access to the industry’s top education conference. Find cost details for the entire virtual event.
Mark your calendar: ‘Thank a Superintendent Day’ on Sept. 23 September 8, 2020 The initiative will spotlight the professionals who maintain the game’s grounds and comes as golf’s popularity has surged amid the coronavirus pandemic.
David Brinkley Mull Jr. wins top award in GCSAA Scholars Competition September 8, 2020 The University of Tennessee student is among 20 future turfgrass professionals to earn a total of $28,000 in scholarships.
Verdure: Nitrogen won’t always fix it September 2020 Can the adverse effects of soil compaction be overcome by applying high levels of nitrogen?
Just passing through: Turf colorants and light transmission September 2020 Expanded use of colorants beyond shoulder seasons and winter dormancy prompted researchers to investigate how such products affect light reaching turf.
Fine fescues on golf courses: Biotic stresses September 2020 An overview of the weed, disease and insect pressures that can afflict fine fescues, tolerance differences among taxa, and pest management strategies.