National Golf Day Community Service Project set for April 24 March 29, 2018 Superintendents will again spearhead a beautification and preservation effort of the National Mall in the lead-up to National Golf Day on April 25.
On the move: PBI-Gordon to relocate corporate headquarters March 28, 2018 A longtime fixture in downtown Kansas City, Mo., the company has announced its move to a city suburb.
Minnesota latest state to step up with BMPs for golf courses March 27, 2018 The Minnesota GCSA led the development of statewide best management practices with a grant from GCSAA.
Intelligro donates $5,000 to the EIFG March 27, 2018 The plant protection company continues its support of GCSAA’s research-based initiatives.
The need for speed: Superintendent chases record for fastest golf hole March 23, 2018 GCSAA member Josh Heptig was in a hurry to play golf. The prize for his effort? A possible world record.
#NERTF18: New regulations worry Maine superintendents March 8, 2018 The state’s golf industry is pushing for common-sense legislation in the face of recently adopted municipal pesticide regulations.
Up to Speed: The elephant in the room March 2018 Can we take steps to foster a happier, healthier work environment for those employed in the golf course industry?
Winter overseeding of bermudagrass and effects on bermudagrass health March 2018 Overseeding bermudagrass with perennial ryegrass helps maintain year-round green, but the bermudagrass may suffer.
Mapping spring dead spot using drones March 2018 Using unmanned aerial vehicles to map spring dead spot over large areas allows for targeted fungicide applications.
Verdure: Let’s get physical March 2018 Gypsum has been promoted as an answer to compacted soil, but the only published research on the topic takes a different view.
Effect of phosphite rate, source on cyanobacteria greens colonization March 2018 When applied at the appropriate rate, phosphites can be safely used to control cyanobacteria on putting greens.
Career: Tell your teamwork stories March 2018 Try these tactics to demonstrate teamwork skills throughout your résumé and career documents to catch an employer’s eye.
Agronomic planning: Less art, more science March 2018 When approaching the complex task of controlling pest and disease damage — particularly on greens — rely on solid data, the latest research, and a thorough but flexible plan.
Woe and triumph on a troubled green March 2018 A problematic putting surface put a superintendent’s agronomic acumen and perseverance to the test.
Ultradwarf grasses: Beyond bermuda March 2018 The first ultradwarf zoysiagrass shows promise as an alternative to bermudagrass greens.
Darren Davis future-focused as GCSAA president March 2018 Securing the next generation of golf course superintendents is atop the 2018 GCSAA president’s agenda.
Passion play: Darren J. Davis, CGCS March 2018 Driven by a love of the profession and a desire to give back to an industry that has given him so much, it’s full speed ahead for Darren J. Davis, CGCS, GCSAA’s 82nd president.
Opportunities in golf advocacy March 2018 Whether within your district or as part of the National Golf Day delegation in D.C., opportunities to share golf’s good news with policymakers abound.
President’s Message: A profession with a purpose March 2018 Newly elected GCSAA president Darren Davis reflects on his beginnings in and the bright future of the golf course management profession.
Superintendent strikes gold in South Korea February 23, 2018 GCSAA member Brent Borelli gets major satisfaction working in the country that has the Olympic spotlight.