• Vole control on the golf course

    January 2011
    A wildlife management specialist lays out methods for outsmarting these covert critters and offsetting their damage to turf.
  • Winter turf damage: The green in the bubble

    September 2009
    A grounds crew got creative to revive a winter-decimated green in just days. Here’s how they devised the structure that produced the remarkable results.
  • 13 tips for better putting green collars

    June 2009
    Collars tend to take a beating for the sake of putting surface playability. A turf consultant offers recommendations for curbing collar decline and improving appearance.
  • Maintaining golf course naturalized areas

    May 2009
    Don’t confuse going natural with letting nature take over. Here’s how to choose plants for naturalized areas, schedule maintenance and properly employ herbicides.
  • Tips for better golf course staff training

    December 1997
    The training period lays the groundwork for how an employee performs and views their job. Try these strategies to instill attention to detail and inspire buy-in among greenhorn crew members.
  • Mulch fall leaves into turfgrass

    August 1997
    A solution to leaf disposal troubles lies right underfoot. Hear from superintendents and researchers on the benefits and how-to of mulching leaves into turf.
  • Soil microorganisms: A turf manager’s guide

    November 1996
    Your soil is teeming with trillions of organisms essential to plant health. Get to know this subterranean cast, how the various microbes keep grass green and growing, and how you can support them.
  • Managing wear stress on turfgrass

    September 1995
    Traffic on golf turf is inevitable, but superintendents aren’t powerless to curb its effects. Learn about the factors that predispose turf to physical injury and management practices that can minimize wear stress.
  • Should I use this product on my turf?

    October 1993
    Ask these eight questions when evaluating a soil amendment or other turf product to help you make sound, fact-guided agronomic decisions.
  • Soil compaction effects on turf

    August 1990
    This “hidden” stress takes a very visible toll on turf. Get the lowdown on just how compaction impacts plant root and shoot growth, nutrient uptake, water use, and more.