Passion play: Darren J. Davis, CGCS March 2018 Driven by a love of the profession and a desire to give back to an industry that has given him so much, it’s full speed ahead for Darren J. Davis, CGCS, GCSAA’s 82nd president.
Superintendent strikes gold in South Korea February 23, 2018 GCSAA member Brent Borelli gets major satisfaction working in the country that has the Olympic spotlight.
The people’s champion: Frank Rossi, Ph.D. February 2018 Renowned for his hands-on work with superintendents and with a reputation for challenging convention at every turn, Cornell’s Frank Rossi, Ph.D., is the recipient of GCSAA’s 2018 President’s Award for Environmental Stewardship.
A sacrifice for a fellow superintendent January 16, 2018 Scott Dodson and Brian Conn share more than just being superintendents — their lives are forever intertwined after Conn donated a kidney to Dodson.
Riding high: Grant Yaklich of White Mountain Golf Course November 2017 Superintendent Grant Yaklich and the American Legion Riders go the extra mile for veterans.
Down, but not out: A superintendent’s recovery from a brain injury November 2017 After a life-changing injury on the job and a winding road to recovery, Canadian superintendent Brian Youell has turned private hardship into a message of hope and strength.
Great Lake: Michigan town a hotbed of future turf managers October 2017 Whitmore Lake, Mich. — population 6,423 — has turned out an impressive number of golf course superintendents.
Dewey Brown: A true trailblazer September 2017 An unwavering love of the game propelled Dewey Brown — the first African-American PGA professional and an early GCSAA member — through discrimination and a turbulent time in golf’s history.
Travis Hogan: From golf to the gridiron September 2017 As the NFL season kicks off, the head groundskeeper at Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City reflects on his days as a superintendent and the transition from golf to football.
Snoqualmie standout: Ryan Gordon of The Club at Snoqualmie Ridge August 2017 Superintendent Ryan Gordon has built a reputation as a diligent and particularly determined turf manager.
Santa Claus’ golf course December 2014 In Santa Claus, Ind., Christmas Lake Golf Course is part of the year-round Yuletide charm. Meet the superintendent who oversees this particularly festive facility.