Cutting Edge: Bermudagrass control, creeping bentgrass colonization stability July 2023 Studies examine creeping bentgrass vitality against bermudagrass herbicides and drought stress
An alternative to overseeding August 2022 A Kansas course finds designated fairway crossovers solve the issue of perennial problem areas coming out of winter months.
Controlling Poa annua with annual bluegrass weevil and PGRs April 2022 Can ABW, alone and in combination with PGR programs, be a viable tool to reduce annual bluegrass cover in creeping bentgrass fairways?
Testing turfgrasses for lower-input fairways February 2022 Researchers evaluated the quality of five fairway turfgrasses maintained with and without nitrogen and fungicide applications.
An unconventional golf course overseed November 11, 2021 Tasked with overseeding on a compressed schedule and amid other obstacles, a Mid-Atlantic superintendent recounts the challenge and the agronomic and operational lessons learned.
Verdure: What to dew about dollar spot August 2021 A Penn State study looked at the influence of dew removal and mowing frequency on dollar spot control, testing the practices alone and in combination with fungicide use.
Turf hack: DIY fertilizer mixing setup September 17, 2020 With a common home appliance and a dash of innovation, a superintendent has devised a more efficient way to mix soluble fertilizers for fairways.
Turfgrass cultivation methods: A roster August 27, 2020 No matter how you slice it, cultivation is a key ingredient in maintaining high-quality turf. A turf scientist breaks down the different techniques to help you determine the best regimen for your site.
Verdure: Pseudo dollar spot control? June 2020 Purdue University researchers designed field experiments to test the impact of the biological control agent Tx-1 on dollar spot and brown patch activity in fairways.
Goodbye Poa annua, hello bentgrass April 2020 Go inside an Ohio golf clubā€™s decision to transition greens and fairways from Poa to bentgrass and the many components involved, from shade to PGRs to patience.
Reducing soil salinity caused by high-salinity irrigation January 2020 Can cultural practices or commercial products decrease soil salinity on their own, without the need for additional irrigation?
John Deere ups the tech ante, unveils autonomous fairway mower (video) July 11, 2019 A select group of superintendents got a peek at the product during John Deere’s Golf Technology Preview. See it in action yourself.
Effects of organic amendments on dollar spot May 2019 A two-year trial evaluated the effects of composts and biochar on dollar spot development in a creeping bentgrass fairway.
Irrigation requirements of cool-season fairway grasses April 2019 Can alternatives to creeping bentgrass deliver water savings? A two-year field study assessed the total water needs of six potential fairway species.
Sand-capped fairways: Long-term dynamics and management requirements March 2019 Texas A&M researchers are continuing to examine the effects of sand capping on fairways, studying the practice’s longer-term impacts on turf and soil.
Dazomet for Poa annua control in fairway renovations December 2018 With methyl bromide off the market, researchers investigated dazomet’s ability to sterilize soil.
Reducing Poa annua in zoysiagrass fairways November 2018 Can fraze mowing provide effective non-chemical control of Poa annua?
Up to Speed: Weighing in on fairway rolling January 2018 A distillation of recent research on fairway rolling reveals the practice’s multiple merits.
Fairway mowing: The road less traveled November 2016 Taking a fresh approach to fairway mowing can trim time and expenses while enhancing the aesthetics of a golf course.
The fundamentals of frequency of clip November 2012 Adding this easy measurement to your toolbox can improve the quality of your turf — think increased ball roll without lowering height of cut — while cutting maintenance time and costs.