Dealing with extreme cold January 2025 Desiccation and anoxia are among the causes of winterkill that can vex superintendents in the north.
Cutting Edge: Dye effect on ryegrass, winterkill research project October 2024 Winter weather effects on turfgrass are behind current analysis and a research project seeking superintendent input.
How does African bermudagrass do in winter? April 2023 A study identified regions of overlap between spring green-up and winterkill.
Verdure: Revisiting winter turf covers April 2023 Different climate zones require different approaches to turf covers to avoid winterkill.
Verdure: Seeding your way out of winter February 2023 Is it possible to seed into winterkill-damaged turf to re-establish a playable putting green?
Weathering winter on the golf course March 2020 Turf managers who contend with harsh, lengthy winters rely on fine-tuned agronomic skills, shrewd timing and, sometimes, just plain luck. Hereā€™s how five northern superintendents do it.
Techniques for turfgrass re-establishment following winterkill November 2018 Researchers evaluated the effects of fertilizer treatments, protective covers, and seeding creeping bentgrass or annual bluegrass on the re-establishment of putting greens post-winterkill.
Proactive steps to prevent winterkill on turfgrass September 20, 2018 You canā€™t control cold weather, but, contrary to popular belief, you can take measures to ward off winterkill.
Fall turf prep: A focused fall for a stress-less spring August 30, 2018 Tackle fall disease flare-ups, implement preventive strategies, and steel your turf against the stresses of the upcoming winter.
Winter turf damage: The green in the bubble September 2009 A grounds crew got creative to revive a winter-decimated green in just days. Hereā€™s how they devised the structure that produced the remarkable results.