Verdure: Bentgrass establishment September 2018 Penn State researchers explored the effects of different fertilizer and soil amendment programs on creeping bentgrass establishment.
Through the Green: The grass at the PGA Championship August 2018 Discover the tale of arduous travel, genius plant selection and a forward-thinking superintendent behind Meyer zoysiagrass.
Verdure: That traffic will wear you down August 2018 University of Georgia researchers tested silicon’s effects on turfgrass wear tolerance and quality.
Up to Speed: A brief history of green speed July 2018 The demand for faster green speeds gave rise to intensive golf course maintenance practices and near-perfect present-day putting surfaces.
Verdure: Thatch, mat and coring July 2018 University of Maryland researchers analyzed the effects of three different coring regimes on the quality and thatch-mat content of a creeping bentgrass green.
Through the Green: Latitudes and putting green surfaces June 2018 With turfgrass breeders providing an ever-expanding lineup of suitable options for every corner of the country, the best choice for grass may be personal.
Verdure: How much nitrogen does that zoysiagrass need? June 2018 Zoysiagrass’s slow establishment prompted researchers to investigate the effects of nitrogen rate and soil topdressing on its establishment from sprigs.
Up to Speed: You are what you produce May 2018 Turfgrass is known to be a cosmetic enhancement, but the plant also has positive environmental, economic and social impacts, including curbing crime.
Verdure: Looks like everything is just fine May 2018 Researchers examined whether the greater thatch and thatch mass of Penn A-4 and Penn G-2 creeping bentgrass affected the varieties’ topdressing and aeration requirements.
Through the Green: The grass at the Masters April 2018 The famous wall-to-wall green color on display at Augusta National wouldn’t be possible without improved perennial ryegrass cultivars, the first of which was released in 1967.
Verdure: I’m not dead; I’m dormant April 2018 When should fertilizer be applied to replenish the nitrogen reserves that fuel the green-up and growth of bermudagrass breaking dormancy?
From the CEO: Rules of engagement April 2018 From supporting turfgrass research to participating in National Golf Day, April is chock-full of opportunities for golf course superintendents to go above and beyond in advancing the game.
President’s Message: Securing the next generation April 2018 The job market for superintendents, as with many professions, experiences ebbs and flows. GCSAA President Darren Davis, CGCS, offers advice to upward-striving assistant superintendents, plus his take on an industry at a crossroads.
Up to Speed: The elephant in the room March 2018 Can we take steps to foster a happier, healthier work environment for those employed in the golf course industry?
Verdure: Let’s get physical March 2018 Gypsum has been promoted as an answer to compacted soil, but the only published research on the topic takes a different view.
President’s Message: A profession with a purpose March 2018 Newly elected GCSAA president Darren Davis reflects on his beginnings in and the bright future of the golf course management profession.
Verdure: The origins of Poa annua February 2018 Poa annua found its way into the scientific literature in the 1930s, but another 20 years would pass before its parental species were pinpointed.
Up to Speed: Weighing in on fairway rolling January 2018 A distillation of recent research on fairway rolling reveals the practice’s multiple merits.
Verdure: Yep, we did that before January 2018 How do soil pH and various levels of fertilizer phosphorus affect competition between Kentucky bluegrass and creeping bentgrass?
Verdure: Water you doing with all that potassium? December 2017 Researchers at the University of Florida looked at whether application of high levels of potassium would reduce drought stress of Tifdwarf and TifEagle hybrid bermudagrasses.