Golf courses and the armed forces November 2017 Discover four facilities where golf and U.S. military history intersect.
Robo-mow: The Cub Cadet RG3 at Perry Park Country Club November 2017 Robotic greens mowing makes golf course maintenance more efficient and eco-friendly at Colorado’s Perry Park Country Club.
Riding high: Grant Yaklich of White Mountain Golf Course November 2017 Superintendent Grant Yaklich and the American Legion Riders go the extra mile for veterans.
Low-maintenance ground covers for Pacific Northwest municipalities November 2017 Oregon State University researchers compared plants that require few inputs and can compete with weeds.
Career: Craft a customer-focused résumé November 2017 For a résumé that resonates, emphasize how your skills and career achievements reflect a commitment to customers.
Water conservation and greenhouse gas emissions on greens November 2017 Superintendents can manage irrigation and nitrogen applications to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from putting greens.
Verdure: It’s getting cold out here November 2017 Recent research offers a close look at the effects of late-fall nitrogen applications on creeping bentgrass putting greens.
President’s Message: Feeding your educational hunger November 2017 When it comes to top-notch, career-advancing continuing education for turf managers, the annual Golf Industry Show can’t be beat.
Down, but not out: A superintendent’s recovery from a brain injury November 2017 After a life-changing injury on the job and a winding road to recovery, Canadian superintendent Brian Youell has turned private hardship into a message of hope and strength.
The plight of the pollinator November 2017 Entomologists have several suggestions to help superintendents protect pollinators in the turf landscape.
Self-service: Renovation at We-Ko-Pa Golf Club November 2017 Arizona superintendent Ryan Kreizenbeck tried his hand at design during a recent renovation project, and the result has drawn rave reviews from all involved at We-Ko-Pa Golf Club.
Frank Rossi receives GCSAA’s President’s Award October 31, 2017 The Cornell University educator will be recognized at the 2018 Golf Industry Show in San Antonio.
Former USGA president Stuart Bloch dies at 84 October 31, 2017 Bloch served as president in 1992 and 1993, and was an advocate for environmental stewardship in golf.
Golf course architect Gordon dies October 27, 2017 David W. Gordon, the longest-tenured member of the ASGCA, had a hand in design of Saucon Valley and Stanwich Club.
Turfgrass insect management: The windshield or the bug October 2017 A well-thought-out agronomic plan for turfgrass insect control can help superintendents steer clear of potentially big setbacks.
Team Canada captures inaugural Can Am Cup October 24, 2017 Baltusrol, Canoe Brook play host to nearly 200 participants from Canada and the U.S. for world-class golf and educational event.
Darrell Hammond to entertain at Golf Industry Show October 24, 2017 The famed ‘Saturday Night Live’ impressionist will bring his cast of characters to the event’s Closing Celebration.
Toro unveils winner of Project Delta naming contest October 17, 2017 Curt Shaffer, a South Carolina superintendent, wins competition by dubbing new product the Outcross.
Taking the long view on golf course equipment purchases October 2017 Knowing the answers to key budgeting and planning questions will help you develop an equipment strategy best suited to the specific needs of your golf course.
After the storms: Superintendents facing challenges head-on October 12, 2017 Hurricanes from Texas to the U.S. Virgin Islands have tested golf course superintendents, who are still responding to the challenge.