Turfgrass research as a participation sport October 2023 Hands-on involvement was the order of the day at the Texas A&M turfgrass field day.
Methods to quantify cover in turfgrass research October 2023 Turfgrass management research has moved from depending on visual data to a variety of quantitative data.
A continued study of turfgrass use on U.S. golf courses August 2023 Whether in historically cool-season or warm-season regions, many golf facilities appear to be incorporating alternative species on their landscapes and playing surfaces.
Verdure: False-green kyllinga weed control May 2023 In parts of the U.S., false-green kyllinga has become an invasive weed in turfgrass sites.
How are turf pests distributed in the canopy? May 2023 Researchers looked into the predation habits of insect predators in turfgrass.
How does African bermudagrass do in winter? April 2023 A study identified regions of overlap between spring green-up and winterkill.
GCSAA announces funding for turf research projects in 2023 April 11, 2023 Grants totaling $170,064 will support four new turfgrass research projects through 2025.
Does turf brushing work? April 2023 Turf brushing has grown in popularity among superintendents. One agronomist examines the practice and its benefits.
Verdure: Revisiting winter turf covers April 2023 Different climate zones require different approaches to turf covers to avoid winterkill.