Soil surfactants and fungicide movement in turf November 2019 Fungicides need some assistance reaching the root zone if they are to effectively combat crown and root diseases. How well do various soil surfactants help?
Verdure: So, how late is too late? November 2019 A review of the literature on fall-applied nitrogen presents helpful insights on this common practice for cool-season turf managers, from suitable rate to environmental fate.
Oil spills on turf: Facts and myths November 2019 What happens when hydraulic oil gets on putting greens? A scientific overview that separates fact from folklore.
Suppressing Poa annua seedhead production November 2019 Researchers examined how well different mowing delays pre- and post-application of a plant growth regulator reduced seedhead counts in Poa annua greens.
Golf course maintenance metrics: It’s time to retire cost-per-hole November 2019 Using a survey of clubs in New Jersey, a superintendent takes a close look at cost-per-hole, and offers alternative metrics for more accurate comparisons of course expenditures.
Retirees fill gaps in golf course maintenance crews November 2019 In a tricky labor market, some superintendents have found a staffing solution in retired workers ready for their second act.
GPS technology in golf course management November 2019 Superintendents share their experiences using various GPS-equipped devices on the golf course, discussing the technology’s benefits as well as its potential drawbacks.
PGA of America donates to EIFG October 29, 2019 The organization’s $250,000 gift will bolster a variety of programs aimed at ensuring golf’s future.
Industry veteran Cliff Dipman passes away October 22, 2019 The superintendent, who battled cancer for more than a decade, was a mentor to many in the Midwest turf community.
Hawaii publishes golf course BMP guidelines October 22, 2019 The 12-part handbook offers environmental best management practices tailored to the Aloha State’s 10 climate zones, unique flora and fauna, and sensitive ecosystems.
The dawn of a new DMI: Maxtima and Navicon fungicides October 21, 2019 Two new chemistries have reshaped spring dead spot control at a renowned South Carolina course.
Registration open for 2020 Golf Industry Show in Orlando October 17, 2019 Improve your golf facility and advance your career with the best in continuing education, access to hundreds of exhibitors and products, and the year’s top networking opportunities.
Palm Beach GCSA donates to First Green, EIFG October 15, 2019 Gifts from the Florida chapter will support GCSAA’s STEM education initiative and more.
Virginia GCSA commended for Chesapeake Bay watershed cleanup efforts October 2, 2019 The Virginia golf industry’s example offers other states a guide for getting out ahead of water quality concerns.
MLSN: A better approach to turf nutrition October 2019 Minimum Levels for Sustainable Nutrition are a set of fertilization guidelines tailored to turf, which is judged for its quality, not its yield.
Sequential-application herbicides for bermudagrass control October 2019 Is a series of herbicide applications necessary for optimal control of bermudagrass? Researchers surveyed different combinations and sequences.
Evaluating fine fescue shade tolerance October 2019 Fine fescues are considered to be among the most shade-tolerant turfgrasses, but how much does tolerance vary among species under greenhouse conditions?
Verdure: It’s resistant October 2019 Annual sedge has become resistant to ALS-inhibiting herbicides. Researchers examined the level of resistance and how it developed.
Poa annua: A plan of action October 2019 A $5.7 million research project is aiming to provide a clearer picture of Poa annua herbicide resistance, establish BMPs for Poa control, and deliver new support tools.
What lies beneath: The microbes at play on golf courses October 2019 Bacteria and fungi strongly influence turf health, and new research takes a close look at their composition in the soil of turfgrass under different management intensities.