The 4 Ts for improving your golf course without spending a dime August 29, 2019 Tasked with doing more with less? A lower budget doesn’t have to mean a lower-quality golf course. These no-cost strategies will help you rise to the challenge.
Paul Jett has deep run in 2019 U.S. Senior Amateur August 28, 2019 Playing in his first USGA national championship, the former superintendent at Pinehurst No. 2 advanced to the quarterfinals before falling in extra holes.
An eye on Iowa and the 2019 U.S. Senior Women’s Amateur August 28, 2019 For just the third time, the state of Iowa is hosting a USGA championship, and Tom Feller, CGCS, is at the heart of the heartland event.
Corteva Agriscience attains GCSAA Silver Partner status August 27, 2019 The company has joined the association’s Partner Recognition Program and also pledged $30,000 to First Green.
Behind the scenes at the 2019 Tour Championship August 22, 2019 GCM and GCSAA TV take you inside the agronomic action ahead of the PGA Tour’s season finale.
New cold-hardy zoysiagrass varieties August 15, 2019 A joint Texas A&M-USDA project is trialing two recently released zoysiagrass varieties that, in addition to being lower-input, have been bred to withstand lower temperatures.
GCSAA announces 2019 Legacy Award winners August 13, 2019 Twenty children of GCSAA members have earned college scholarships through the Legacy Awards program, supported by Syngenta.
Apply now: GCSAA’s Melrose Equipment Management Experience August 6, 2019 Funded by a $1 million gift from the Kendrick B. Melrose Family Foundation, the program will send its first class to the 2020 Golf Industry Show in Orlando.
Bovine muscle on the golf course August 1, 2019 A family of water buffalo grazes on weeds and other unruly vegetation at Vietnam’s Laguna Golf Lăng Cô.
Less is more at Colbert Hills August 2019 The Kansas course offers a study in low-input turfgrass management, with dramatic cuts in fertilizer use, aerification and mowing proving a boon to both the budget and the playing surfaces.
Shallow soil compaction following fraze mowing August 2019 Can fraze mowing be an alternative to aerification for alleviating surface soil compaction in turf?
Identifying turf drought tolerance with a hydroponic system August 2019 Researchers looked at whether applying water stress to turf in a hydroponic system — instead of in field evaluations — could better screen for drought tolerance characteristics.
Verdure: Bacteria diversity in your putting greens August 2019 A three-year study sought to quantify and identify soil microbial populations in creeping bentgrass and hybrid bermudagrass greens.
Soil solubility of iron fertilizers August 2019 Turf’s different responses to granular versus foliar applications of the same iron source prompted researchers to evaluate the soil solubility of 10 common iron fertilizers on 11 soils.
Products for alleviating irrigation salinity stress on turfgrass August 2019 Researchers tested 30 commercial and experimental products for their ability to reduce salinity stress on bermudagrass irrigated with saline water.
Goats on the grounds crew at Contra Costa Country Club August 2019 A team of goats gobbles up the California course, where the all-natural weed eaters have become a hit with members.
Renovating golf course bunkers: In-house vs. hiring out August 2019 Is your bunker mentality more DIY or more hands-off? Here’s what to consider when deciding whether to employ outside expertise for your bunker project.
Urban renewal: Harris Park brings golf to Kansas City neighborhood August 2019 Thanks to the vision and efforts of a lifelong resident, a once-blighted neighborhood has been rejuvenated by golf and green space.
Municipal golf on the upswing August 2019 The recent surge in municipal golf is positive news for cities that count on the bond between municipal courses and local golfers.
Nine students receive Garske grants from GCSAA July 30, 2019 The grant program, sponsored by Par Aide, provides college scholarships to children of golf course superintendents.