O.J. Noer Endowment to be administered by GCSAA July 23, 2019 The endowment, named for the pioneering agronomist, will continue to fund turfgrass research.
Maintaining irrigation repairs at Hanging Rock Golf Club July 19, 2019 To extend the life of an aging irrigation system, a Virginia superintendent looked to a more durable pipe-connecting option.
Kendrick B. Melrose Family Foundation donates $500,000 in an endowment to support GCSAA’s First Green July 16, 2019 The foundation’s latest gift supports the association’s STEM education program, which reimagines golf courses as outdoor classrooms.
John Deere ups the tech ante, unveils autonomous fairway mower (video) July 11, 2019 A select group of superintendents got a peek at the product during John Deere’s Golf Technology Preview. See it in action yourself.
Delaware publishes golf course best management practices July 9, 2019 With a portion of the state within the Chesapeake Bay watershed, water quality is a primary component of the Delaware BMPs.
Fungicide fate following mowing and irrigation July 2019 Researchers looked at how post-application irrigation and mowing timing influenced the amounts of fungicide in turfgrass clippings and the soil profile.
Verdure: Organic matter matters July 2019 The age of a putting green affects its rate of soil organic matter accumulation.
Buffalograss: Effects of nitrogen rate on traffic tolerance July 2019 With proper maintenance, buffalograss can provide high-quality roughs and other low-input areas on golf courses.
Maureen Kahiu: Clearing cultural hurdles to a career in turf July 2019 The Kenyan superintendent has pursued her passion for golf course management in a culture particularly unaccustomed to young women leaders.
Timing golf course aerification July 2019 Is there a “perfect” time for aerification? With some tried-and-true tips and a healthy dose of experience, turfgrass managers can make the best call.
Walking the talk as a golf course superintendent July 2019 A superintendent outlines different paths to becoming more involved in the industry and how such opportunities lead to personal growth and a more rewarding professional journey.
What the Tech? Moisture meters for greater efficiency, healthier turf July 2019 Don’t let sticker shock deter you from these reliable gadgets, as return on investment is often quick. Here’s how to optimize use of a moisture meter.
Fairway to table: Growing fresh food at Cordova Bay Golf Course July 2019 The beautiful, bountiful gardens at a British Columbia course have become an important source of produce for its restaurant and a cornerstone of its identity.
Maintaining Southeast Asia’s first proper links June 19, 2019 A brand-new Vietnam golf course is betting on Zeon zoysiagrass — and a skilled superintendent — to deliver firm and fast conditions in the tropical environment.
A comeback in the shop at Pebble Beach June 17, 2019 Jon Rybicki thought his days working on equipment were behind him — until the opportunity to become Pebble Beach’s equipment technician came along.
High-tech water management at Pebble Beach June 14, 2019 The resort’s new Rain Bird IC system gave the maintenance team a big edge in getting the course U.S. Open-ready.
Gallery: The 2019 U.S. Open June 13, 2019 Snapshots from the week in agronomy at Pebble Beach Golf Links in Pebble Beach, Calif.
From the corner office to Pebble Beach June 12, 2019 Assistant-in-training Michael Knoll gave up a fast-rising corporate career to pursue his dream job in golf course management.
A superintendent’s return to Pebble Beach June 11, 2019 After family ties took him to the Midwest, former Spanish Bay superintendent Jeff Steen is back on familiar turf for this week’s U.S. Open.
USGA continues support of GCSAA’s First Green June 11, 2019 The educational program brings students to golf courses to apply their classroom lessons in a dynamic, hands-on setting.