PoaCure: Has annual bluegrass finally met its match? April 2020 A turf scientist provides an in-depth look at the herbicide PoaCure, including registration info, research findings, key considerations for successful use, and more.
Verdure: Winter applications for spring Poa annua seedhead suppression? March 2020 A turf scientist tested whether earlier applications of PGRs could deliver better control of annual bluegrass seedheads.
Bermudagrass: Reducing winter injury, spring dead spot March 2020 Joint projects are exploring solutions to winter-related hybrid bermudagrass woes, including the effects of fall mowing height on turf survival and strategies for combating SDS.
Zoysiagrass seedhead development and suppression March 2020 Go inside in-progress research aimed at creating a model to guide timing of PGR applications for better zoysiagrass seedhead suppression.
Risk thresholds for lance nematodes in turfgrass March 2020 A nematologist takes a close look at the relationship between lance nematodes and turf health, and how nematicides factor in.
When is Poa annua seed most germinable in spring? February 2020 Well-timed collection of clippings can limit the introduction of additional — and potentially herbicide-resistant — seed into the seed bank.
Verdure: How long are you going to hang around? February 2020 University of Illinois researchers examined foliar retention and foliar retention efficiency to help optimize retention of a foliar spray on a turfgrass leaf.
Attracting bats to golf courses February 2020 In the first-ever study of bat activity on golf courses, a wildlife biologist looked at which golfscape habitats these prolific pest predators prefer, revealing ways superintendents can better support them.
Wildflowers bring in beneficial insects February 2020 Incorporating flowering plants on golf courses is a well-known strategy for aiding pollinators, but the practice offers another perk: attracting predatory and parasitic insects for natural pest control.
Verdure: The way-back article for 2020 January 2020 Research published in 1962 on bermudagrass’s response to varying light intensity still offers pertinent insight on turfgrass light requirements and cutting heights.
Reducing soil salinity caused by high-salinity irrigation January 2020 Can cultural practices or commercial products decrease soil salinity on their own, without the need for additional irrigation?
Improving soil, establishing turfgrass with biosolids fertilizers January 2020 Researchers compared the effectiveness of a synthetic fertilizer and four biosolids products, made from nutrient-rich organic materials that result from the treatment of wastewater.
Verdure: Poa management, Nordic style December 2019 Looking to thwart Poa annua invasion on red fescue greens, researchers experimented with blending more competitive grasses into the seed mix.
Velvet vs. creeping: Managing bentgrasses in shade December 2019 Can new cultivars of velvet bentgrass — an oft-overlooked species — be a viable alternative for superintendents struggling with shade stress?
Soil surfactants and fungicide movement in turf November 2019 Fungicides need some assistance reaching the root zone if they are to effectively combat crown and root diseases. How well do various soil surfactants help?
Verdure: So, how late is too late? November 2019 A review of the literature on fall-applied nitrogen presents helpful insights on this common practice for cool-season turf managers, from suitable rate to environmental fate.
Oil spills on turf: Facts and myths November 2019 What happens when hydraulic oil gets on putting greens? A scientific overview that separates fact from folklore.
Suppressing Poa annua seedhead production November 2019 Researchers examined how well different mowing delays pre- and post-application of a plant growth regulator reduced seedhead counts in Poa annua greens.
Sequential-application herbicides for bermudagrass control October 2019 Is a series of herbicide applications necessary for optimal control of bermudagrass? Researchers surveyed different combinations and sequences.
Evaluating fine fescue shade tolerance October 2019 Fine fescues are considered to be among the most shade-tolerant turfgrasses, but how much does tolerance vary among species under greenhouse conditions?