Scalping timing for tall fescue control with glyphosate September 2019 Field studies explored whether the renovation of tall fescue areas could be expedited without compromising herbicide efficacy.
Plant biostimulants: Establishing standards September 2019 Turf scientists offer an overview of biostimulants, Europe’s recently proposed research-based regulations, and key considerations for superintendents when considering a biostimulant.
Shallow soil compaction following fraze mowing August 2019 Can fraze mowing be an alternative to aerification for alleviating surface soil compaction in turf?
Identifying turf drought tolerance with a hydroponic system August 2019 Researchers looked at whether applying water stress to turf in a hydroponic system — instead of in field evaluations — could better screen for drought tolerance characteristics.
Verdure: Bacteria diversity in your putting greens August 2019 A three-year study sought to quantify and identify soil microbial populations in creeping bentgrass and hybrid bermudagrass greens.
Soil solubility of iron fertilizers August 2019 Turf’s different responses to granular versus foliar applications of the same iron source prompted researchers to evaluate the soil solubility of 10 common iron fertilizers on 11 soils.
Products for alleviating irrigation salinity stress on turfgrass August 2019 Researchers tested 30 commercial and experimental products for their ability to reduce salinity stress on bermudagrass irrigated with saline water.
Fungicide fate following mowing and irrigation July 2019 Researchers looked at how post-application irrigation and mowing timing influenced the amounts of fungicide in turfgrass clippings and the soil profile.
Verdure: Organic matter matters July 2019 The age of a putting green affects its rate of soil organic matter accumulation.
Buffalograss: Effects of nitrogen rate on traffic tolerance July 2019 With proper maintenance, buffalograss can provide high-quality roughs and other low-input areas on golf courses.
Verdure: That’s a sappy relationship June 2019 Can different in-field plant measurements — a clipping sap test or handheld reflectance meters — be used assess turf’s foliar nitrogen status to minimize anthracnose?
Irrigating Kentucky bluegrass with recycled water June 2019 Researchers compared sites irrigated with effluent water to those irrigated with surface water, analyzing soil, shoots and turf quality.
Drought performance of bermudagrass and seashore paspalum June 2019 Researchers compared a collection of bermudagrass and seashore paspalum cultivars for drought tolerance and explored the plant mechanisms responsible for drought survival.
Reducing bermudagrass irrigation with a PGR and soil surfactants June 2019 Can applying a combination of trinexapac-ethyl and a soil surfactant produce better turf quality under drought conditions than applying the products individually?
Effects of organic amendments on dollar spot May 2019 A two-year trial evaluated the effects of composts and biochar on dollar spot development in a creeping bentgrass fairway.
Verdure: It’s all in the delivery May 2019 Granular vs. foliar fertilizers — researchers tested them alone and in combination to determine their effects on turfgrass quality and soil nutrient levels.
Imidacloprid efficacy for white grub control May 2019 Do thatch and microbial degradation affect imidacloprid’s ability to suppress these doubly destructive insects?
Microdochium patch management without fungicides May 2019 Oregon State researchers have been evaluating alternatives for Microdochium patch control, including phosphorous acid, sulfur and iron sulfate.
Soil surfactants: Vertical water distribution and surfactant longevity May 2019 Soil surfactants have been shown to improve the horizontal distribution of water. Now, researchers are looking at how they impact soil water content at various depths over time.
Dollar spot control using iron sulfate and urea May 2019 Researchers discuss findings from the first year of a two-year study on the effects of iron sulfate and urea on dollar spot development.