Effects of organic amendments on dollar spot May 2019 A two-year trial evaluated the effects of composts and biochar on dollar spot development in a creeping bentgrass fairway.
Verdure: It’s all in the delivery May 2019 Granular vs. foliar fertilizers — researchers tested them alone and in combination to determine their effects on turfgrass quality and soil nutrient levels.
Imidacloprid efficacy for white grub control May 2019 Do thatch and microbial degradation affect imidacloprid’s ability to suppress these doubly destructive insects?
Microdochium patch management without fungicides May 2019 Oregon State researchers have been evaluating alternatives for Microdochium patch control, including phosphorous acid, sulfur and iron sulfate.
Soil surfactants: Vertical water distribution and surfactant longevity May 2019 Soil surfactants have been shown to improve the horizontal distribution of water. Now, researchers are looking at how they impact soil water content at various depths over time.
Dollar spot control using iron sulfate and urea May 2019 Researchers discuss findings from the first year of a two-year study on the effects of iron sulfate and urea on dollar spot development.
Surveying herbicide resistance in annual bluegrass May 2019 A two-year project in Tennessee is aiming to identify effective and no-longer-effective herbicides for Poa annua control, and to get a better grasp of the scope of resistance.
Irrigation requirements of cool-season fairway grasses April 2019 Can alternatives to creeping bentgrass deliver water savings? A two-year field study assessed the total water needs of six potential fairway species.
Verdure: Before growing degree days were cool April 2019 GDDs have become a popular tool for the modern-day superintendent, but the concept first cropped up in turf management about 25 years ago.
Spring dead spot: Site-specific management April 2019 Using aerial mapping to enable precise applications of treatments for spring dead spot may cut costs and reduce fungicide use over time.
Low-maintenance grasses to replace turfgrass April 2019 From buffalograss to sheep fescue, researchers evaluated 27 ultra-low-input plant species for their ability to stand in for turfgrass in roughs, potentially reducing water use and other inputs.
Dollar spot resistance to SDHI fungicides March 2019 Recent reports of resistance to next-generation SDHI fungicides have prompted a closer look at dollar spot mutations and management strategies.
Sand-capped fairways: Long-term dynamics and management requirements March 2019 Texas A&M researchers are continuing to examine the effects of sand capping on fairways, studying the practice’s longer-term impacts on turf and soil.
Verdure: Jim Beard on the benefits of turfgrass March 2019 A paper from the late Jim Beard, Ph.D., compiled the many merits of turfgrass as documented by scientific studies. The collection remains relevant decades later.
Soil surfactant effects on golf course greens March 2019 Michigan State researchers evaluated the impacts of soil surfactant treatments on turf’s response to insufficient irrigation, overwatering and traffic stress.
Silvery-thread moss infestation in greens March 2019 Researchers investigated whether aerification or vertislicing alone or in combination with topdressing or herbicide applications could help reduce silvery-thread moss in putting greens.
Irrigation water as a source of Pythium inoculum February 2019 Identifying new point sources of inoculum may expand golf course superintendents’ management options for Pythium diseases.
Verdure: Let’s go organic February 2019 A fresh look at the findings from one of the rare studies on organic turfgrass management.
Plant uptake and optimal timing of snow mold fungicides February 2019 A study from the University of Wisconsin-Madison indicates that the timing of snow mold fungicide applications has a significant impact on fungicide efficacy.
Research to focus on irrigating with non-potable water January 17, 2019 A joint university-industry project will look at better measuring soil salinity and moisture when alternative water sources are used for irrigation.