Less mowing equals more bees May 2018 Homeowners can preserve pollinator habitat in lawns by adjusting mowing frequency to researchers’ recommendations.
Verdure: Looks like everything is just fine May 2018 Researchers examined whether the greater thatch and thatch mass of Penn A-4 and Penn G-2 creeping bentgrass affected the varieties’ topdressing and aeration requirements.
Cream leaf blight of ultradwarf bermudagrass May 2018 A new disease of ultradwarf bermudagrass greens, cream leaf blight is bad for appearances in the southeastern transition zone and northern Florida.
Pollinators in the turfgrass ecosystem: Best management practices May 2018 Wise use of the tools that help us produce both food and high-quality landscaping will help protect the pollinators that are vital to food production.
Organic and inorganic compounds in crumb rubber mulch April 2018 Crumb rubber mulch samples contained metals as well as compounds that haven’t been tested for their effects on human health.
Midwestern billbugs: Seasonal biology and life-stage association April 2018 Intensive surveys of adult and larval billbugs revealed insight into the seasonal biology of the hunting billbug and species-level billbug identification.
Verdure: I’m not dead; I’m dormant April 2018 When should fertilizer be applied to replenish the nitrogen reserves that fuel the green-up and growth of bermudagrass breaking dormancy?
Golf facilities: An underutilized resource April 2018 Golf facilities offer natural areas that can be used for a variety of other purposes to benefit people and the environment.
Syringing for turfgrass canopy cooling April 2018 Does syringing effectively cool plants under heat stress, and are there drawbacks to the practice?
Winter overseeding of bermudagrass and effects on bermudagrass health March 2018 Overseeding bermudagrass with perennial ryegrass helps maintain year-round green, but the bermudagrass may suffer.
Mapping spring dead spot using drones March 2018 Using unmanned aerial vehicles to map spring dead spot over large areas allows for targeted fungicide applications.
Verdure: Let’s get physical March 2018 Gypsum has been promoted as an answer to compacted soil, but the only published research on the topic takes a different view.
Effect of phosphite rate, source on cyanobacteria greens colonization March 2018 When applied at the appropriate rate, phosphites can be safely used to control cyanobacteria on putting greens.
Turfgrass colorants: A look inside February 2018 Researchers are investigating the chemical and physical makeup of turfgrass colorants and how these colorants affect turf health.
Verdure: The origins of Poa annua February 2018 Poa annua found its way into the scientific literature in the 1930s, but another 20 years would pass before its parental species were pinpointed.
Anthracnose on annual bluegrass turf: Best management practices February 2018 In many cases, a combination of cultural practices can effectively suppress anthracnose, eliminating the need for fungicides.
Up to Speed: Weighing in on fairway rolling January 2018 A distillation of recent research on fairway rolling reveals the practice’s multiple merits.
Optimizing timing of snow mold fungicides January 2018 Heating degree days may offer a guide for applying fungicides to prevent snow mold.
Controlling Poa annua in creeping bentgrass fairways January 2018 Researchers are evaluating annual bluegrass weevil, plant growth regulators and interseeding as tools for Poa annua control.
Verdure: Yep, we did that before January 2018 How do soil pH and various levels of fertilizer phosphorus affect competition between Kentucky bluegrass and creeping bentgrass?