Nitrogen fertilization affects dollar spot severity in bentgrass September 2018 A three-year field trial evaluated whether nitrogen alone could deliver effective suppression of the costly turfgrass disease.
Verdure: Bentgrass establishment September 2018 Penn State researchers explored the effects of different fertilizer and soil amendment programs on creeping bentgrass establishment.
Bermudagrass: Know your hybrids September 2018 Dedicated plant breeders have worked for decades to improve common bermudagrass cultivars to provide finer, high-quality turf.
Golf course greens renovation advice September 2018 A distillation of research to help superintendents spearhead a greens renovation, minimize course closure and ensure a long-lasting finished product.
Insecticide efficacy in turfgrass focus of Penn State study August 23, 2018 Researchers are halfway through a field study on the residual activity of imidacloprid, an insecticide popular for grub control that has recently shown a decline in effectiveness.
Creeping bentgrass light requirements August 2018 University of Arkansas researchers aimed to determine the daily light integral (DLI) requirement of creeping bentgrass greens by evaluating the effects of shade intensity and timing.
Verdure: That traffic will wear you down August 2018 University of Georgia researchers tested silicon’s effects on turfgrass wear tolerance and quality.
Ink spot on golf course turf August 2018 Researchers have identified the causal agent of ink spot, a new foliar disease of bermudagrass and zoysiagrass in the southeastern United States.
Poa annua control: A perpetually moving target August 2018 Herbicide-resistant Poa annua populations have researchers rethinking best control strategies.
Does core recycling affect putting green performance? July 2018 An Iowa State University study assessed whether recycling cores could reduce the amount of sand required for topdressing.
Fraze mowing vs. spring dead spot on bermudagrass July 2018 A field experiment is evaluating how well aggressive fraze mowing stacks up against fungicide applications in handling spring dead spot.
Verdure: Thatch, mat and coring July 2018 University of Maryland researchers analyzed the effects of three different coring regimes on the quality and thatch-mat content of a creeping bentgrass green.
Identifying and naming the fungi that cause dollar spot on turf July 2018 New technology has allowed scientists to reassign the organisms that cause dollar spot on turf to a new genus and four different species.
Ground pearls in turf July 2018 Ground pearls are a persistent pest in turfgrass growing in sandy soils from North Carolina to Southern California. Here, a look at the ground pearl’s life stages, the search for chemical controls, and the best current means of addressing it.
New dollar spot prediction model June 2018 The weather-based model can help turf managers make more accurate dollar spot fungicide applications based on environmental conditions.
Pesticides, turfgrass guttation and pollinators June 2018 In-progress research is looking at whether honey bees are exposed to guttation fluid from turfgrass that has had fungicides or PGRs applied to it.
Verdure: How much nitrogen does that zoysiagrass need? June 2018 Zoysiagrass’s slow establishment prompted researchers to investigate the effects of nitrogen rate and soil topdressing on its establishment from sprigs.
Update on off-type grasses in ultradwarf bermudagrass putting greens June 2018 Researchers have taken a close look at the off-type grasses’ differences in morphology and performance to help determine how to mitigate their presence.
2018 revisions to the USGA method for putting green construction June 2018 The USGA’s revised recommendations for putting green construction allow practitioners to work with locally available materials and make other adjustments to conform to an area’s environment.
Bee-friendly neonicotinoids? May 2018 A better understanding of bees’ biochemical defense systems can be leveraged to develop neonicotinoid insecticides that don’t endanger bee health.