Iron sulfate and urea affect Microdochium patch on annual bluegrass December 2017 A two-year field study at Oregon State University explored different combinations of iron sulfate and urea applications on the incidence of Microdochium patch.
Effect of oriental mustard seed meal for dollar spot control December 2017 Seed meal from oriental mustard shows promise as a non-chemical means of dollar spot control, potentially reducing reliance on conventional fungicides.
Low-maintenance ground covers for Pacific Northwest municipalities November 2017 Oregon State University researchers compared plants that require few inputs and can compete with weeds.
Water conservation and greenhouse gas emissions on greens November 2017 Superintendents can manage irrigation and nitrogen applications to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from putting greens.
Verdure: It’s getting cold out here November 2017 Recent research offers a close look at the effects of late-fall nitrogen applications on creeping bentgrass putting greens.
Kurapia performance in the low desert of Arizona October 2017 This non-invasive ground cover was evaluated for potential use as a replacement for turfgrass in non-play areas.
Verdure: Creeping into microbial activity October 2017 University of Maryland researchers evaluated the utility of natural organic fertilizers and amendments for creeping bentgrass establishment and maintenance.
Take-all root rot on the increase in the Carolinas September 2017 As take-all root rot has increased in the southern U.S., innovative cultural practices and new products for disease control are now at superintendents’ disposal.
Verdure: Poinsettias aren’t just for the holidays anymore June 2017 The hunt is always on to identify biologicals that can control or suppress sting nematodes, and a 2006 study focused on extracts from various plants.
Verdure: I’m gluten-intolerant May 2017 Researchers at Kansas State University examined the efficacy of corn gluten meal for weed control.
Black layer in turf: Causes and management June 2016 A look at the scientific research on black layer, its causes, and cultural practices for countering it.
Managing silvery-thread moss in golf course greens October 2015 Management practices for silvery-thread moss often conflict with cultural practices for greens. Researchers examine the interaction and offer advice on silvery-thread moss control.