Verdure: Mind your prills and granules April 2021 What percentage of fertilizer granules get picked up by the mower, and does the loss affect turf health? A multisite study took a close look at granular fertilizer applications.
Dollar spot: Evaluating biological and oil-based fungicides March 2021 Researchers discuss findings from their tests of eight commercially available alternative controls for dollar spot in turfgrass.
Verdure: It’s not easy being green March 2021 Mike Fidanza, Ph.D., explores matters of color in turfgrass, from stand uniformity to the evolution of visual evaluation methods (complete with the musical stylings of a famous frog).
Spring management of annual bluegrass weevil March 2021 New findings on the reproductive phenology and feeding patterns of ABW during spring emergence suggest a need for changes to management practices to achieve more effective control.
Wetting agents for water conservation February 2021 Researchers tested 10 wetting agent treatments’ ability to sustain quality turf under deficit irrigation. Here’s how the different products and chemistries stacked up.
Verdure: Nitrogen, a plant growth regulator and shade ... oh my! February 2021 Do different shade levels influence N plus trinexapac-ethyl’s effects on turf?
Do wetting agents influence putting green speed? February 2021 Claims that the products produce faster and firmer surfaces haven’t been thoroughly vetted, leading researchers to investigate seven wetting agents’ effects on green speed and more.
Reducing turfgrass damage from dog urine January 2021 Man’s best friend can be rather unfriendly to turf. Two studies looked into potential strategies for mitigating damage: more tolerant turf varieties and use of water repellents.
Verdure: B is for boron January 2021 A plant scientist and a pair studies offer insight on this essential plant nutrient and the effects of boron fertilization on turfgrass.
Effects of air and sand injection on soil physical properties January 2021 Air and sand injection have earned reputations as less disruptive methods of turfgrass cultivation. Researchers put the practices to the test.
Poa annua: Alternative control options December 2020 Lemon juice for Poa control? In the quest for non-herbicidal treatments, researchers tested several outside-the-box options. Here’s how they fared.
Effects of shade on warm-season turf water-use rates December 2020 Researchers gauged how moderate shade influenced the evapotranspiration rates of four bermudagrasses and two zoysiagrasses.
Evaluating biological thatch control in turfgrass December 2020 Some biostimulants may reduce thatch without the disruption to play that occurs with aerification or other intensive practices.
Wetting agents for winter turf protection December 2020 Researchers explored whether applying wetting agents to dormant ultradwarf bermudagrass greens could curb winter injury and ensure speedy spring green-up.
Reducing anthracnose with potassium and nitrogen November 2020 Anthracnose severity in annual bluegrass is strongly linked to N and K deficiencies. At what rates do these nutrients best team up to control the disease?
Bermudagrass vs. drought stress November 2020 Can bermudagrass cultivars that have been deemed drought-resistant maintain that status when grown in shallow soil profiles?
Verdure: Let the sunshine in November 2020 A test of 12 warm-season turfgrasses’ responses to different shade levels illuminates the often cloudy matter of quantifying shade tolerance.
Fall N fertilization and winter survival of bermudagrass October 2020 Researchers evaluated 11 nitrogen sources’ effects on fall color and spring green-up in the northern transition zone.
Verdure: Dive into that microbial pool October 2020 A 15-year study reveals valuable insights on the long-term effects of N rate and source on several measures of turf soil health.
Managing seedheads in zoysiagrass greens October 2020 Researchers sized up various PGR treatments’ effectiveness in controlling seedhead production without reducing turf quality.