Humic fertilizer effects on soil, turf health November 2021 Using a sand-based putting green, researchers evaluated humic substances’ ability to enhance soil microbial activity and maintain turf quality with reduced nitrogen.
Weed control in minimal- and no-mow golf course roughs November 2021 To help superintendents eradicate weeds without injuring desirable plants, researchers evaluated 11 rough grasses for their tolerance to three postemergence herbicides.
Quantifying golf shoe effects on putting greens October 2021 Researchers tested various methods for detecting surface disruption based on shoe type and after just one day of play.
Managing lance nematodes in warm-season turfgrass October 2021 Lance nematodes are an elusive foe, difficult to diagnose and poorly controlled by current nematicides. A study aimed to refine thresholds and identify ideal extraction method and sampling time.
Analyzing pesticide environmental risk on golf courses September 2021 Using a sample of 22 golf courses, researchers quantified pesticide risk levels on various course components and explored the most effective strategies for reducing them.
Managing root-knot nematodes in warm-season turfgrass September 2021 A nematologist outlines the life cycle and behavior of these microscopic organisms, a new method for diagnosis, and current tools for control.
Nitrogen fertilizer costs and turfgrass response August 2021 Are some pricier nitrogen sources a better value in the long run? Researchers looked into the claim, measuring turf’s responses to 10 N sources and the cost to achieve such responses.
Turfgrass nutrition recommendations: SLAN vs. MLSN August 2021 Michigan State researchers compared greens fertilized according to the different philosophies to see whether one resulted in better turf quality.
Verdure: What to dew about dollar spot August 2021 A Penn State study looked at the influence of dew removal and mowing frequency on dollar spot control, testing the practices alone and in combination with fungicide use.
Turfgrass drought survival and recovery August 2021 Just how little water is enough to pull turf through drought? Researchers investigated the minimum irrigation requirements of three turfgrass species.
Fine fescues vs. foliar shade July 2021 Not all shade is created equal. Researchers examined various fine fescues’ responses to foliar shade alone, which can have a different impact on plant growth and development.
Improving turfgrass survival of ice encasement July 2021 Could priming turf with certain chemicals give it a leg up on winter stress? Researchers investigated the impacts of various treatments on annual bluegrass recovery from prolonged ice cover.
Fine fescues for golf course putting greens June 2021 With fine fescues already furnishing lower-input fairways and roughs, researchers evaluated the grasses’ performance as putting greens under minimal management.
Robotic mowers and turfgrass cut quality June 2021 Robot vs. rotary: Research at the University of Kentucky compared the mowers’ effects on leaf cut quality and leaf tip chlorosis.
Combination fungicides for improved turfgrass disease control June 2021 Treatments with more than one active ingredient can reach a broad range of pathogens with increased efficacy and reduced resistance risk. Learn about different options and which diseases they target.
Effects of golf cart traffic and drought on turfgrass May 2021 Suboptimal growing conditions can make managing cart traffic even more challenging. Here, a look at different turf species’ responses to combined drought and cart stress at different mowing heights.
Verdure: An ode to Tom Watschke May 2021 The turfgrass scientist’s early work helped shape our understanding of turf physiology and tolerance to high temperature stress. Plus: Watch a national morning show’s 1990 interview with Dr. Watschke.
Turfgrass responses to prolonged heat stress May 2021 Research on 34 cultivars and accessions from 14 cool- and warm-season grasses offers greater guidance on selecting surfaces to withstand extended periods of heat.
Rhodesgrass mealybug in turf April 2021 The invasive insect is an emerging pest of both cool- and warm-season greens. Entomologists detail its life cycle, cultural and biological controls, and findings from recent insecticide experiments.
Heavy metal effects on golf course greens April 2021 Certain products and soil conditions can expose turf to elevated levels of copper and zinc. Researchers examined the impacts of the heavy metals on two warm-season turfgrasses.