Trust the (research) process June 2023 We all have some inclination to cherry-pick information that supports our existing beliefs.
Cutting Edge: Tall fescue salt rooting, yellow nutsedge herbicide response June 2023 Researchers highlight studies on turf and troublesome weeds.
The science of assessing turfgrass colors June 2023 Assessing a pixel-by-pixel summary of color character can be done accurately and objectively using digital images.
Verdure: False-green kyllinga weed control May 2023 In parts of the U.S., false-green kyllinga has become an invasive weed in turfgrass sites.
How are turf pests distributed in the canopy? May 2023 Researchers looked into the predation habits of insect predators in turfgrass.
Verdure: Spray water pH is all good May 2023 Purdue University Researchers examined the effects of water-carrier pH on fungicide performance.
Canada thistle control in fine fescue rough May 2023 Evaluating five herbicides for spring and summer control of the aggressive broadleaf weed.
Cutting edge: Celebration bermudagrass, herbicide resistance in poa annua April 2023 Work from the University of Florida/Ft. Lauderdale and Purdue University features in April's research rundown.
How does African bermudagrass do in winter? April 2023 A study identified regions of overlap between spring green-up and winterkill.
Investigating pest management on U.S. golf courses March 2023 In 2021, superintendents at 71% of U.S. golf facilities reported having 
either an integrated pest management plan or a pesticide application plan 
— up from 66% in 2015 but equivalent to 2007.
Impact of commercially available microbial inoculants on bermudagrass growth March 2023 Field tests were performed on Tifway hybrid bermudagrass while greenhouse experiments were conducted on Sahara II common bermudagrass.
Verdure: Bermudagrass train out of Georgia March 2023 Looking back on 75 years of The University of Georgia's bermudagrass breeding program.
Zoysiagrass hybrid development for the transition zone February 2023 A multidisciplinary, systematic breeding effort among several universities has effectively developed multiple zoysiagrass hybrids with improved turf color, winter hardiness, freeze tolerance, large patch tolerance and finer leaf texture than Meyer zoysiagrass.
Verdure: Seeding your way out of winter February 2023 Is it possible to seed into winterkill-damaged turf to re-establish a playable putting green?
Research suggestions for precision management of golf courses February 2023 More than 270 studies from 2000 to 2022 were reviewed, including relevant studies researching remote-sensing technologies on turfgrass management at golf courses, sports fields and lawn management systems.
A continued investigation into nutrient use and management on U.S. golf courses January 2023 U.S. golf courses continue to reduce their nutrient use with annual reductions 
since 2006.
Verdure: Water drops through time January 2023 A look back at the history of the water drop penetration test and its use as a reliable research method in turfgrass management.
The effects of plant biostimulants on cool-season turfgrass seedlings December 2022 Humic substances and complex organic materials are shown to have a positive effect on turfgrass performance.
Verdure: Season’s greetings from silica December 2022 Recent research from Kansas State University explored silica's use in turfgrass management related to plant disease, wear tolerance and abiotic stress.