Turfgrass research flourishes at Iowa State October 26, 2023 From football to winter injury, Iowa State program covers many aspects of turf
Can root-associated microbes identify drought-tolerant tall fescue cultivars? October 2023 Researchers evaluated six tall fescue cultivars, using precipitation as the sole water source for plant growth.
Managing organic matter in greens October 2023 Measuring organic matter should be an important part of your agronomic maintenance program.
Methods to quantify cover in turfgrass research October 2023 Turfgrass management research has moved from depending on visual data to a variety of quantitative data.
How does annual bluegrass stand up to ice? September 27, 2023 Research examines various soil moisture conditions during cold acclimation.
How much water does bermudagrass need? September 2023 Researchers subjected four bermudagrass cultivars to intensive water use measurements.
Verdure: Nothing trivial about Poa trivialis control September 2023 Rough bluegrass (Poa trivialis) and annual bluegrass (Poa annua) are the most troublesome weeds in turf.
Cutting Edge: Perennial ryegrass, precision turfgrass management survey August 2023 A study examines freezing damage in ryegrass, and a research center seeks survey participants
A continued study of turfgrass use on U.S. golf courses August 2023 Whether in historically cool-season or warm-season regions, many golf facilities appear to be incorporating alternative species on their landscapes and playing surfaces.
Verdure: Anthracnose can go play in the sand August 2023 Research shows sustainable practices are the best antidote to anthracnose.
Cutting Edge: Bermudagrass control, creeping bentgrass colonization stability July 2023 Studies examine creeping bentgrass vitality against bermudagrass herbicides and drought stress
Trust the (research) process June 2023 We all have some inclination to cherry-pick information that supports our existing beliefs.
Cutting Edge: Tall fescue salt rooting, yellow nutsedge herbicide response June 2023 Researchers highlight studies on turf and troublesome weeds.
The science of assessing turfgrass colors June 2023 Assessing a pixel-by-pixel summary of color character can be done accurately and objectively using digital images.
Verdure: False-green kyllinga weed control May 2023 In parts of the U.S., false-green kyllinga has become an invasive weed in turfgrass sites.
How are turf pests distributed in the canopy? May 2023 Researchers looked into the predation habits of insect predators in turfgrass.
Verdure: Spray water pH is all good May 2023 Purdue University Researchers examined the effects of water-carrier pH on fungicide performance.
Canada thistle control in fine fescue rough May 2023 Evaluating five herbicides for spring and summer control of the aggressive broadleaf weed.
Cutting edge: Celebration bermudagrass, herbicide resistance in poa annua April 2023 Work from the University of Florida/Ft. Lauderdale and Purdue University features in April's research rundown.