Photo Quiz: Flood remnants, tan patches on green April 2022 Calling all turf buffs: Have a go at deciphering this pair of puzzling occurrences.
Photo Quiz: Brown line on fairway, ridges on collar March 2022 Can you figure out what caused these two on-course conundrums? Test your smarts in this month’s Photo Quiz.
Grow lights on golf greens February 17, 2022 On a light-challenged green, a superintendent has taken a cue from the soccer pitch playbook, introducing large-scale grow lights to get turf up to speed.
Photo Quiz: Various lines on tees February 2022 Mysterious lines traversing two tees are the topic of this month’s Photo Quiz. Can you tell what left each set of stripes?
Photo Quiz: Holes in bunker, indentations on green January 2022 Hazard a guess as to what produced this pair of odd golf course sights.
Hydromulch for winter green protection January 13, 2022 On a links-style course in Nebraska, where winter winds are inhospitable to turf and traditional covers, a superintendent uses hydromulch to see greens through to spring.
Photo Quiz: Dark lines atop turf, dandelions on green December 2021 What caused these surfaces to take unsightly turns? See whether your damage-diagnosing instincts are up to par in this month’s Photo Quiz.
The icing on the turf December 2021 Turf scientist Jack Fry, Ph.D., offers an overview of the various ways ice forms in the turfgrass system and the differing effects.
Photo Quiz: Discolored green, imprinted lines in rough November 2021 Have a guess as to what caused this set of turf afflictions? Find out whether your hunch hits the target in this month’s Photo Quiz.
Potassium and turfgrass stress November 2021 Is potassium the plant protector it’s often purported to be, able to boost turf’s tolerance to traffic, cold and other stressors? Five studies offer a clearer picture of K’s functions and true capabilities.
Photo Quiz: Insect infestation, destroyed cart path October 2021 Blights big and small befell the golf courses in this month’s Photo Quiz. What do you suspect led to these defects?
What the Tech? Measuring green speed October 2021 Are you in the Stimpmeter camp, or do you roll with a more recently developed alternative? Explore different measuring methods, from the tried-and-true to the thoroughly modern.
Photo Quiz: Tidy piles of soil, rings on turf September 2021 Attention, turf buffs: What do you think produced these two surfaces’ unfortunate fates? See how well your theories hold up.
The art of managing turf density August 2021 Turf scientist Jack Fry, Ph.D., talks thatch, disease, overseeding and other factors that need special consideration as the (turf) plot thickens.
Photo Quiz: Brown patches in bahiagrass, indented lines on green August 2021 What stories do these curious turf conditions tell? Have a go at guessing the causes in this month’s Photo Quiz.
Poa annua ‘remembers’ being mowed July 2021 Poa annua plants pass along an awareness of mowing stress to offspring. Learn more about the discovery, the research that inadvertently brought it to light, and what it means for Poa breeding.
Photo Quiz: Lone green strip of turf, rogue ryegrass July 2021 Maintenance missteps on fairways can make for particularly conspicuous turf damage. Can you tell what caused the flaws on these two fairways?
To the Nth degree: Nitrogen mineralization in turfgrass July 2021 Five research projects illuminate the N mineralization process in turf and what it means for your turf’s fertilization needs.
What the Tech? Measuring putting green firmness June 2021 Putting green firmness can be a difficult metric to define and interpret. Turf scientists discuss different measurement methods and how to translate the data into management decisions.
Maintaining kikuyugrass at Torrey Pines June 17, 2021 The aggressive grass may make for a rough-and-tumble U.S. Open for the world’s top players. The Torrey Pines agronomy team and others familiar with kikuyugrass discuss taming the “beast.”