Photo Quiz: Oily marks, worn turf in perfect circles June 2021 Both of this month’s puzzling turf imperfections transpired on bentgrass. See whether you can figure out their origins.
Photo Quiz: Speckled green, brown turf plots May 2021 What befell these two discolored turf surfaces? Venture a guess in this month’s Photo Quiz.
GCM’s 2021 Seed Update May 2021 The U.S. turf seed industry saw record sales in 2020, yet also saw a year fraught with challenges. What comes next for suppliers and buyers? Plus: Find profiles of 20 new turf varieties.
Water in turfgrass: Functions, flow and forms May 13, 2021 Water is essential to growing high-quality turf, but how, exactly, does water “work” within turf? Here, an overview of the water/turf interplay that makes golf’s playing surfaces possible.
Photo Quiz: Scratches on green, ‘ghost’ footprints April 2021 Can you tell what produced these two strange on-course sights? Test your turf-trouble radar in this month’s Photo Quiz.
Perfecting winter putting green protection April 22, 2021 With just a brief window to bring greens out of long, harsh winters, a club has fine-tuned a custom cover system that shields turf from the elements without creating anoxic conditions.
Measuring beneficial predator activity in turf March 2021 Spiders, ants and other natural predators of destructive turf pests leave little trace of their presence. To learn more about them and maximize their benefits, researchers got craft-y.
Photo Quiz: Small punctures on turf, large hole in green March 2021 Two greens, two hemispheres, two unique but related turf woes. Take a shot at diagnosing the damages.
Photo Quiz: Curious grass pattern, turf-less spots on green February 2021 Can you pinpoint the causes of these turf anomalies? See how your hypotheses stack up in this month’s Photo Quiz.
Weed control in turfgrass: Alternatives to conventional herbicides January 2021 Turf managers may not always be able to rely on synthetic herbicides for combating weeds. Scientists outline several non-chemical strategies, including cultural practices and organic products.
Photo Quiz: Brown trail of turf, peculiar prints January 2021 What’s to blame for the blemishes on these two greens? Join the investigation in this month’s Photo Quiz.
Photo Quiz: Irrigation line inhabitants, uneven ground December 2020 Some fishy things were afoot at the golf facilities in this month’s Photo Quiz. See whether you can figure out what brought them about.
Turf insects: Looking for bugs in all the right places November 2020 To best manage turf pests, superintendents must first don their detective hats. A turf entomologist details the different insect-monitoring techniques and which work for tracking which insects.
Photo Quiz: Suspicious shadow, patchy pattern on green November 2020 A shadow without sun, a series of off-color patches — try your hand at determining what caused this pair of peculiar occurrences.
Photo Quiz: Surprising visitor on turf, off-color line October 2020 It’s a Photo Quiz creature feature for Halloween, plus a turf sight sure to startle any superintendent. Can you figure out their origins?
Photo Quiz: Brown circles, tee box damage September 2020 Calling all turf buffs: Can you solve the mysteries behind these two cases of discolored turf?
Photo Quiz: Uneven fairway, sizable snow pile August 2020 Both of this month’s golf course oddities occurred at northern facilities. Can you guess the causes?
Hand sanitizer effects on turfgrass July 2020 Turf damage has all sorts of origins, but 2020 has no doubt brought an uptick in injuries involving one substance in particular: hand sanitizer.
Photo Quiz: Tire wall damage, unusual visitors July 2020 What caused these two curious on-course sights? Test your smarts in this month’s Photo Quiz.
Understanding turf fungicide resistance and FRAC codes June 18, 2020 Brian Aynardi, Ph.D., offers a primer on how resistance develops, which turf pathogens are resistant to which fungicides, and steps superintendents can take to rein in resistance.