
  • GCM’s 2020 Seed Update

    May 2020
    Find profiles of 17 new turfgrass varieties, a look at how coronavirus has impacted the seed industry, and a special essay from turf scientist Eric Watkins, Ph.D., spotlighting the people and processes behind turf seed production.
  • Goodbye Poa annua, hello bentgrass

    April 2020
    Go inside an Ohio golf club’s decision to transition greens and fairways from Poa to bentgrass and the many components involved, from shade to PGRs to patience.
  • Jumpin’ jiminy! Jumping worms on golf courses

    January 2020
    This invasive pest — whose castings degrade soil — has no approved chemical controls. Here’s a look at preventive measures and the latest research on foiling these ruinous wigglers.
  • Turf transitions in the transition zone

    December 2019
    A new crop of warm-season turfgrass varieties is making the move north, increasing options for golf course superintendents in the traditionally tricky transition zone.
  • What the Tech? Measuring light for healthier turf

    October 2019
    In the delicate discussions of trees and shade on the golf course, data can be a superintendent’s strongest ally. So, how much light is enough light, and how can you best measure it?
  • New cold-hardy zoysiagrass varieties

    August 15, 2019
    A joint Texas A&M-USDA project is trialing two recently released zoysiagrass varieties that, in addition to being lower-input, have been bred to withstand lower temperatures.
  • Less is more at Colbert Hills

    August 2019
    The Kansas course offers a study in low-input turfgrass management, with dramatic cuts in fertilizer use, aerification and mowing proving a boon to both the budget and the playing surfaces.
  • Pythium root rot Q&A

    May 23, 2019
    Paul Giordano, Ph.D., answers the most frequently asked questions about Pythium root rot to help superintendents outsmart this challenging disease.
  • Summer turf stress: Redefining ordinary

    April 9, 2019
    Summer turf decline is complex, with conditions from the previous spring and winter often coming to bear. Brush up on strategies to prevent and alleviate the season’s stresses.
  • Spring dead spot prevention

    November 20, 2018
    Fall is an ideal time to combat this common disease of bermudagrass. Learn about spring dead spot and options for control.