Photo Quiz: Yellow turf, strange snow melt June 2020 Can you decipher what’s behind these two turf conundrums? Test your savvy in this month’s Photo Quiz.
GCM’s 2020 Seed Update May 2020 Find profiles of 17 new turfgrass varieties, a look at how coronavirus has impacted the seed industry, and a special essay from turf scientist Eric Watkins, Ph.D., spotlighting the people and processes behind turf seed production.
What the Tech? Easy ways to measure turfgrass area April 2020 Discover apps and other handy digital tools that make quick work of determining the area of the variously shaped spaces around your golf course.
Goodbye Poa annua, hello bentgrass April 2020 Go inside an Ohio golf club’s decision to transition greens and fairways from Poa to bentgrass and the many components involved, from shade to PGRs to patience.
Jumpin’ jiminy! Jumping worms on golf courses January 2020 This invasive pest — whose castings degrade soil — has no approved chemical controls. Here’s a look at preventive measures and the latest research on foiling these ruinous wigglers.
Turf transitions in the transition zone December 2019 A new crop of warm-season turfgrass varieties is making the move north, increasing options for golf course superintendents in the traditionally tricky transition zone.
MLSN: A better approach to turf nutrition October 2019 Minimum Levels for Sustainable Nutrition are a set of fertilization guidelines tailored to turf, which is judged for its quality, not its yield.
What the Tech? Measuring light for healthier turf October 2019 In the delicate discussions of trees and shade on the golf course, data can be a superintendent’s strongest ally. So, how much light is enough light, and how can you best measure it?
New cold-hardy zoysiagrass varieties August 15, 2019 A joint Texas A&M-USDA project is trialing two recently released zoysiagrass varieties that, in addition to being lower-input, have been bred to withstand lower temperatures.
Less is more at Colbert Hills August 2019 The Kansas course offers a study in low-input turfgrass management, with dramatic cuts in fertilizer use, aerification and mowing proving a boon to both the budget and the playing surfaces.
What the Tech? Moisture meters for greater efficiency, healthier turf July 2019 Don’t let sticker shock deter you from these reliable gadgets, as return on investment is often quick. Here’s how to optimize use of a moisture meter.
Maintaining Southeast Asia’s first proper links June 19, 2019 A brand-new Vietnam golf course is betting on Zeon zoysiagrass — and a skilled superintendent — to deliver firm and fast conditions in the tropical environment.
Pythium root rot Q&A May 23, 2019 Paul Giordano, Ph.D., answers the most frequently asked questions about Pythium root rot to help superintendents outsmart this challenging disease.
Summer turf stress: Redefining ordinary April 9, 2019 Summer turf decline is complex, with conditions from the previous spring and winter often coming to bear. Brush up on strategies to prevent and alleviate the season’s stresses.
Turfgrass and the case against Adnan Syed April 4, 2019 HBO filmmakers turned to a turf physiologist to help shed fresh light on evidence in a high-profile murder case.
Natural weed suppression in fine fescues March 2019 University of Minnesota scientists detail their work evaluating fine fescue species for the plants’ ability to suppress crabgrass.
GreenKeeper app: Turning research into practice January 2019 The free decision-support tool puts data on nutrient management, pest outbreaks, growing degree days and more at users’ fingertips.
Spring dead spot prevention November 20, 2018 Fall is an ideal time to combat this common disease of bermudagrass. Learn about spring dead spot and options for control.
Pythium diseases are not all the same November 8, 2018 Distinguish between Pythium root rot and Pythium root dysfunction to optimally address these very different turf diseases.
Proactive steps to prevent winterkill on turfgrass September 20, 2018 You can’t control cold weather, but, contrary to popular belief, you can take measures to ward off winterkill.