Photo Quiz: Piles of material, brown areas on greens January 2024 Can you identify the sources of these mysterious turf issues?
Scientists tour CityPark's pampered turf January 2024 Researchers visited the St. Louis soccer stadium to learn what makes the field's turf tick.
Photo Quiz: Black area, holes in green November 2023 Do you have what it takes to identify the sources of these turf troubles?
Turfgrass research as a participation sport October 2023 Hands-on involvement was the order of the day at the Texas A&M turfgrass field day.
Can pond dredging be a soil amendment? September 2023 Recent research looks at the pros and cons of using dredged material to enrich soil and improve drainage.
Photo Quiz: Uneven greens, dead turf August 2023 Rolling mounds and stripes of dead turf make up this month's mysteries.
Photo Quiz: Visible rhizomes, dark blue turf stain July 2023 Turf discoloration characterizes the two mysteries in this month's photo quiz.
Do I need to add phosphorus when seeding? July 2023 Five research projects investigate the need for P in turf and whether 
it aids in germination.
Considering biological pest control July 2023 Why biologicals and byproducts for pest management might be worth your attention
How can a drone save on labor costs? July 2023 Research suggests overall labor and financial savings from using drones outweighs the cost.
How to use a drone on your golf course May 2023 Considering drones for scouting and responsible resource use? Check out these tips for optimal usage.
Photo Quiz: Clear objects on turf, strange slime on turf April 2023 Round, clear objects covering a fairway and mysterious slime on a putting green make up this month's challenges.
Photo quiz: fuzzy white spots on turf, green ripples March 2023 Unexpected fuzzy patches and strange green ripples make up this month's turf brainteasers.
Shade doesn’t dim appeal of zoysiagrass on greens March 2023 Superintendents looking for a shade-friendly, heat-tolerant grass may have luck replacing bentgrass greens with zoysiagrass strains.
Peanut pioneer played role in grasses, soil science January 2023 George Washington Carver is well known for his many contributions to agriculture. His work also influenced the study and care of turfgrass.
Photo quiz: darker green, irregular brown areas January 2023 A divided rough and strange marks on a practice area make up this month's turf mysteries.
Photo Quiz: Brown circles on turf, multiple lines and numbers September 2022 Think you know the cause of these turf issues? Test your knowledge in this month’s Photo Quiz.
Photo Quiz: Indentations across green, irregular brown line August 2022 Think you know the cause of these turf issues? Test your knowledge in this month’s Photo Quiz.
Photo Quiz: Irregular brown areas, partially obscured sign July 2022 Think you know the cause of these turf issues? Test your knowledge in this month’s Photo Quiz.
Photo Quiz: Irregular brown areas, trees with vascular bundle issues June 2022 Think you know the cause of these turf and tree issues? Put your knowledge to the test in this month’s Photo Quiz.