Fast grass: Techniques to accelerate turf establishment July 1996 An agronomist outlines five common strategies for quick turf establishment, explores their pros and cons compared with conventional grassing, and shares tips for implementing each.
Subsurface insect pests: A turf manager’s guide December 1995 Insects that inhabit soil tend to be more difficult to detect and control. A better understanding of their biology and behavior can help improve management.
Managing wear stress on turfgrass September 1995 Traffic on golf turf is inevitable, but superintendents aren’t powerless to curb its effects. Learn about the factors that predispose turf to physical injury and management practices that can minimize wear stress.
Should I use this product on my turf? October 1993 Ask these eight questions when evaluating a soil amendment or other turf product to help you make sound, fact-guided agronomic decisions.
Soil compaction effects on turf August 1990 This “hidden” stress takes a very visible toll on turf. Get the lowdown on just how compaction impacts plant root and shoot growth, nutrient uptake, water use, and more.